* JSONP support in the GeoJSON renderer (patch from sbrunner) * New GeoJSON renderer implementation and API. The ``papyrus.renderers.geojson_renderer_factory`` function is replaced by the ``papyrus.renderers.GeoJSON`` class. The new usage is::
from papyrus.renderers import GeoJSON config.add_renderer('geojson', GeoJSON(jsonp_param_name='cb')) * Pyramid 1.1 compliance
* Improved GeoJSON renderer: deal with decimal.Decimal, datetime.date, and datetime.datetime values. * No longer use <= when defining requirements (only >= is used). * Correctly spell the names of requirements, using capital letters where needed.
* Add MANIFEST.in file
* Papyrus can now be used without pyramid_handlers * add a config method to add routes, ``pyramid.add_papyrus_routes`` * do not rely on ``environ['CONTENT_LENGTH']`` to read the contents of requests, this doesn't work with WebOb 1.0.4 and higher * minor change in the tests to use ``with_statement`` for Python 2.5
* Add the ``papyrus.geo_inteface.GeoInterface`` mixin * Add the ``papyrus.add_papyrus_handler`` configurator directive