
Latest version: v0.2.0

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This release includes major changes. The main changes are:

- each algorithm now automatically determines optimal hyperparameters; this includes the pre-scaling of the training data for the gpr and the optimal "epsilon" in all Pareto reflections
- storing the evaluations is now automatically done by the blackbox function interface
- there is now an express version which wraps the most common MOO algorithms of Paref
- there is now an info module providing information about the pareto front and the training process which guides the further optimization
- you can now access the best fitting Pareto points corresponding to some Pareto reflection within the interface
- saving and loading is now included within the blackbox function interface
- lhc sampling is now excluded by the moo algorithms; this is because it was misleading when specifying the max number of evaluations


Add gap fill algorithm in multiple dimensions.


fixed linter


Adapted documentation, included bug fixes


Hotfixes 6


Hotfixes 6

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