- Enable several transformation widgets per node, with the idea to get a widget in the 'corrections' splitter.
- Add optional interpolation when making data combinations.
- Add Principal Component Analysis and Target Transformation to data combinations.
- Minor new features and minor bug fixes.
bug fix, a missing file discovered
- Finalize general data corrections. Include doc pages with descriptions and animated examples. Add "delete spikes" data correction.
- Minor new features
- Add general data corrections.
- Add EXAFS fit. It features two fit intervals (k and r), constraints, ties to other parameters (also of another data item) and error analysis.
- Update the main help pages.
Curve fitting facilities. Implemented 2 general fitting routines: linear combination fit and function fit. Both fits can be tested with `tests/test_fit.py`. Both fits added to parseq_XAS. Added chapters to docs about fits.
Minor new features Minor bug fixes after tests in many OSes