- Better support for unit tests in client libraries with ability to set a
session to override default request methods.
- Add flexibility to library class instantiation to prefer keyword parameters
over config file keys.
- Support for new `create_date` Articles API data field and query parameter. Enables
searching for most recent articles instead of returning all of them at once, and
provides visiblity to situations where an article published in the past was recently
added to the Articles collection.
Breaking Changes
- Previously, calls to `analyzer.AllArticles()` would return all articles without a date
limit. Now, it will return only articles created after the starting date set with
`analyzer.set_date_range()`. The current module-level default for all date-bounded queries
is 90 days back, so now this function will return all articles created in the last 90 days.
- `age` property of an Article analyzer object is now based on `create_date` instead of publish
Bug Fixes
[ none ]