
Latest version: v1.1.5

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- added docstrings to half of the files.

- added docstring viewer feature => `-dwl` and `--doc-w-list`

- added path viewer feature => `-p` and `--path`

- fixed and issue with the app, where the window was too short in Windows operating system.

- yanked _v1.0.5_ for major thread bugs.

- added a feature where calling `pasta-man` from the terminal, doesn't associate `pasta-man` with the terminal, but launches as a separate process => the terminal will be available for use.
- fixed an issue in windows with new process creation by generating three windows specific files => `pasta_man.exe`, `pasta_man.vbs`, and `win-setup.bat`. All these will be done only during the first time pasta_man is opened.

- added two entry points in pyproject.toml => `pasta-man` and `pasta-man-launcher`. `pasta-man` will launch as a separate process while `pasta-man-launcher` will execute in the terminal.

- added a clean slate feature where user/developed can remove all configurations of `pasta-man` => `-rmc` and `--remove-configurations`. **NOTE:** This is irreversible and only the configurations will be deleted such as master password and any saved settings or passwords. `pasta-man` will not be uninstalled by this.

- added a home screen in the gui.

- added themes.

- divided all codes into separate modules.

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