
Latest version: v0.2.0.post2

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* fix 'null' not properly matching on cmdline

* chunks: check that portaudio has not been terminated before trying to
close/stop a stream

* drop allow_xruns/XRunError

* *Buffered\*Stream* -> *\*Stream*

* *\*Buffer{Empty,Full}* -> Buffer{Empty,Full}

* fix remaining issues with wheel building

* Dropped unused exception classes (PaStreamError, AudioBufferError)

* Added prebuffer argument to start() to bypass filling output buffer before
stream starts


* Redirect sys.stdout to devnull when '-' is used as the output file stream

* Specifying multiple ``--file-type`` s at command line fixed

* ``--format`` now only accepts a single argument

* ``ringbuffersize_t`` is of a different type for mac platforms; fixed

* ps.chunks() README example fixed

* ``frames`` is now a signed value. The behavior previously reserved for
frames == 0 now is active whenever frames < 0

* Comma separated arguments are no longer allowed; multiple argument
options can only be specified by passing them multiple times

* dropped support for passing a bool for ``pad`` parameter

* ``-q`` flag for specifying buffersize has been dropped. This is now
reserved for the new ``--quiet`` option.

* add a loopback test for the pastream app using stdin > stdout

* improvement: ``chunks`` function: make sure that stream is closed properly
without the performance hit of having an extra yield

* new feature: If both ``padding`` and ``frames`` are < 0, padding will be
added indefinitely

* new feature: ``-q/--quiet`` option; this drops the deprecated -q option for
specifying buffersize


* bugfix: chunks: overlap was (accidentally) not allowed if chunksize was not
non-zero. This should be allowed as long as stream.blocksize > 0.

* chunks now supports passing a generic ndarray to ``out`` parameter (without
having to cast it to a bytes object)

* ``nframes`` renamed to ``frames``

* ``padding`` renamed to ``pad``

* added ``allow_drops`` option to give user the option to ignore
``ReceiveBufferEmpty`` error in more atypical use cases

* ``raise_on_xruns`` changed to ``allow_xruns``; inverted behavior

* got rid of undocumented ``keep_alive`` option; the combination of
``allow_drops`` and ``pad`` can give the same functionality

* ``--pad`` now can be specified without an argument which just sets pad to

* added autopadding feature: Now if ``frames`` > 0 and ``pad`` == True or pad
< 0, playback will be zero padded out to ``frames``. This is a nice feature
for the pastream application and SoundFileStream since sometimes you want
to add extra padding after the file playback.


* command line options for size parameters now accept k/K/m/M suffix

* Backwards compatibility break: multiple argument command line options now
accept a comma delimited list

* improved SoundFileStream reader writers; nearly zero read/write misses

* bugfix: __repr__ had a bug for certain cases


* Improved SoundFileStream interface: remove sfkwargs; instead format,
endian, and subtype can be passed directly since they don't collide with
any of the sounddevice parameters

* Updated examples to allow half or full duplex operation. Also accepts
subtype for RAW files

* chunks() updates
* better polling behavior greatly decreases read misses
* now supports generic buffers so numpy is not required
* added `out` option to allow user to pass a preallocated buffer
* bugfix: overlap was not overlapping correctly

* MAJOR bugfix: samplerate was not being properly passed up the class chain

* MAJOR bugfix: lastTime was not being properly copied in py_pastream.c so
the value returned was garbage

* bugfix: assert_chunks_equal: the 'inframes' buffer was not being allocated
enough space for when chunksize > blocksize which was causing mismatch


* First tenable release

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