Released 2024-08-29
.. warning::
- This version completes work on getting rid of the "master" term, in favor of "primary". This means a couple of breaking changes, please read the release notes carefully. Upgrading to the Patroni 4+ will work reliably only if you run Patroni 3.1.0 or newer. Upgrading from an older version directly to 4+ is possible but may lead to unexpected behavior if the primary fails while the rest of the nodes are running on other Patroni versions.
**Breaking changes**
- The following breaking changes were introduced when getting rid of the non-inclusive "master" term in the Patroni code:
- On Kubernetes, Patroni by default will set ``role`` label to ``primary``. In case if you want to keep the old behavior and avoid downtime or lengthy complex migrations, you can configure parameters ``kubernetes.leader_label_value`` and ``kubernetes.standby_leader_label_value`` to ``master``. Read more :ref:`here <kubernetes_role_values>`.
- Patroni role is written to DCS as ``primary`` instead of ``master``.
- Patroni role returned by Patroni REST API has been changed from ``master`` to ``primary``.
- Patroni REST API no longer accepts ``role=master`` in requests to ``/switchover``, ``/failover``, ``/restart`` endpoints.
- ``/metrics`` REST API endpoint will no longer report ``patroni_master`` metric.
- ``patronictl`` no longer accepts ``--master`` option for any command. ``--leader`` or ``--primary`` options should be used instead.
- ``no_master`` option in the declarative configuration of custom replica creation methods is no longer treated as a special option, please use ``no_leader`` instead.
- ``patroni_wale_restore`` script doesn't accept ``--no_master`` option anymore.
- ``patroni_barman`` script doesn't accept ``--role=master`` option anymore.
- All callback scripts are executed with ``role=primary`` option passed instead of ``role=master``.
- ``patronictl failover`` does not accept ``--leader`` option that was deprecated since Patroni 3.2.0.
- User creation functionality (``bootstrap.users`` configuration section) deprecated since Patroni 3.2.0 has been removed.
**New features**
- Quorum-based failover (Ants Aasma, Alexander Kukushkin)
The feature implements quorum-based synchronous replication (available from PostgreSQL v10) which helps to reduce worst-case latencies, even during normal operation, as a higher latency of replicating to one standby can be compensated by other standbys. Patroni implements additional safeguards to prevent any user-visible data loss by choosing a failover candidate based on the latest transaction received.
- Register Citus secondaries in ``pg_dist_node`` (Alexander Kukushkin)
Patroni now maintains the list of nodes with ``role==replica``, ``state==running`` and without ``noloadbalance`` :ref:`tag <tags_settings>` in ``pg_dist_node``.
- Configurable retention of members' replication slots (Alexander Kukushkin)
Implements support of ``member_slots_ttl`` global configuration parameter that controls for how long member replication slots should be kept around when the member key is absent.
- Make permissions of log files created by Patroni configurable (Alexander Kukushkin)
Allows to set specific permissions for log files created by Patroni. If not specified, permissions are set based on the current ``umask`` value.
- Compatibility with PostgreSQL 17 beta3 (Alexander Kukushkin)
GUC's validator rules were extended. Patroni handles all the new auxiliary backends during shutdown and sets ``dbname`` in ``primary_conninfo``, as it is required for logical replication slots synchronization.
- Implement ``--ignore-listen-port`` option for Patroni config validation (Sahil Naphade)
Make it possible to ignore already bound ports when running ``patroni --validate-config``.
- Make ``wal_log_hints`` configurable (Paul_Kim)
Allows to avoid the overhead of ``wal_log_hints`` configuration being enabled in case ``use_pg_rewind`` is set to ``off``.
- Log ``pg_basebackup`` command in ``DEBUG`` level (Waynerv)
Facilitates failed initialization debugging.
- Advance permanent slots for cascading nodes while in failsafe (Alexander Kukushkin)
Ensure that slots for cascading replicas are properly advanced on the primary when failsafe mode is activated. It is done by extending replicas response on ``POST /failsafe`` REST API request with their ``xlog_location``.
- Don't let the current node be chosen as synchronous (Alexander Kukushkin)
There may be "something" streaming from the current primary node with ``application_name`` that matches the name of the current primary. Patroni was not properly handling this situation, which could end up in the primary being declared as a synchronous node and consequently was blocking switchovers.
- Ignore ``restapi.allowlist_include_members`` for POST /failsafe (Alexander Kukushkin)
- Improve GUCs validation (Polina Bungina)
Due to additional validation through running ``postgres --describe-config`` command, it was previously not possible to set GUCs not listed there through Patroni configuration. This limitation is now removed.
- Add line with ``localhost`` to ``.pgpass`` file when unix sockets are detected (Alexander Kukushkin)
Patroni will add an additional line to ``.pgpass`` file if ``host`` parameter specified starts with ``/`` character. This allows to cover a corner case when ``host`` matches the default socket directory path.
- Fix logging issues (Waynerv)
Defined proper request URL in failsafe handling logs and fixed the order of timestamps in postmaster check log.