Core Features
- Basic OAuth2 support for `access_token` only.<sup>1</sup>
- Access to two Linkedin endpoints (`/me` and `/reactions`).
- `/me`: get your `.basic_profile()` information such as linkedin `id` and other metadata.
- `/reactions`: `.like_post("post_urn")` by `post_urn`.
- Convenience functions in `pawl/utils` to persist your `access_token` in db or in plaintext (don't forget to append to your `.gitignore`).
1) Support for `refresh_token` OAuth2 flow can be provided by way of callback hooks. Please provide feedback if this feature is important to you and how you'd like to use it. Note that Linkedin must grant you permission in order to get access to that particular feature. Since I do not have access to that particular flow, I will rely on your feedback to implement it.