- Removed encapsulated outermost `<div>` tag from the HTML rendered result of the Python document authoring mode. - Added `NormalApplyWithEnv` wrapper which will additionally provides environment as the very first argument before the all the positional and keyword arguments of the wrapped function.
- Moved the HTML escape from the visitor into the document element renderers.
- Fixed bug where function `create_unsafe_document_env` breaks when the input argument for outside environment is not supplied. - Made all document element classes dataclasses.
- In both Python string authoring mode and Python document authoring mode, by default `!` and `` will be transformed into empty string and `` respectively.
- The function `paxter.pyauthor.create_unsafe_env` was renamed to `paxter.pyauthor.create_unsafe_bare_env`. - Introduced document python authoring mode using `paxter.pyauthor.create_unsafe_document_env`.
- No longer allows -expresion text and fragment list within fragment list itself. - -switch is no longer needed when embedding texts or fragment lists within the option section of a command. - Single symbol command (such as `` and `,`) are now its own node type.