
Latest version: v2.3.0

Safety actively analyzes 682416 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

Page 2 of 3



* fix: CI/CD workflow ([`c517dac`](


* style: CI/CD workflow ([`8ed7308`](

* style: CI/CD workflow ([`f39ac5d`](

* style: CI/CD workflow ([`8af1f69`](

* style: CI/CD workflow ([`9c6663a`](

* style: CI/CD workflow ([`86e708f`](

* style: CI/CD workflow ([`f2842cb`](

* style: updated the CI/CD workflow ([`d8b3227`](


* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;origin/master&39; ([`768436c`](



* fix(package): PayStackError class to return informative error message and status code ([`8d31938`](


* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;origin/master&39;

Conflicts: ([`3622d97`](



* fix(package): PayStackError class to return informative error message and status code ([`bb44d4c`](

* fix(package): PayStackError class to return informative error message and status code ([`33ec237`](


* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`81136ad`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`83ae0a0`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`0679f1e`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`711ed90`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`18ddb8d`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`dbe5b10`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`3514e7a`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`93a50af`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`abc2a44`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`4785cf9`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`4c7dd94`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`fced90f`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`48c13e5`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`c2d7a4c`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`3f8c691`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`0d02a50`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`b63edb2`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`ce34905`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`7e2de77`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`edbdfe4`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`e9e9cd3`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`436af59`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`5a7a6b3`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`a8f39b9`](

* style(package): updated pyproject toml file ([`153a589`](

* style(package): updated paystackease-ci-cd yml file ([`ef35fa8`](

* style(package): added pyptoject ([`941cd9b`](

* style(package): added PSR ([`3280a6b`](


* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;origin/master&39; ([`344ea0c`](

* added paystackease CI workflow ([`667510d`](

* added paystackease CI workflow ([`4dd207c`](

* added paystackease CI workflow ([`773b34e`](

* added paystackease CI workflow ([`0e13432`](

* added paystackease CI workflow ([`63d32d3`](

* updated tests ([`c9ea929`](

* updated pyproject file ([`b5560c8`](

* added version ([`530c367`](

* Update index.rst ([`2ebdb5c`](

* fixed the message and status_code in PayStackError class ([`d8b655d`](

* updated ([`4528159`](



* updated ([`4035650`](

* updated ([`f0629a7`](

* updated ([`8fa7d3f`](

* updated ([`259d8aa`](

* updated documentation ([`681ef40`](

* updated documentation ([`df4fe69`](

* improved error handling ([`2403672`](

* improved error handling ([`daa075b`](

* updated documentations ([`acbdb48`](

* updated tests ([`26e31fe`](

* updated ([`28a6d28`](

* updated ([`d2de289`](

* updated tests ([`244d940`](

* updated ([`055e43c`](

* updated tests ([`f6356de`](

* updated the design pattern and structure ([`4a6f531`](

* updated the design pattern and structure ([`41ef129`](

* updated ([`389d74e`](

* updated ([`0a73514`](

* updated tests ([`2b7f2b1`](

* updated the object name from Response to PayStackResponse. ([`8196a57`](

* improved the Response object ([`85b4ca8`](

* created separate folders for sync and async api requests ([`1db0f4d`](

* updated documentation. ([`2cb2f8e`](

* updated documentation: install ([`6cc54e4`](

* updated documentation: example ([`dcc91e1`](

* updated index and conf files documentation. ([`d8b597a`](

* updated changelog documentation. ([`031701d`](

* updated poetry lock file ([`54f93d9`](

* updated ([`855476e`](

* updated ([`aafb09c`](

* updated changelog file ([`330e900`](

* updated the type hint ([`cc53290`](

* updated ([`82d3147`](

* updated ([`212e06a`](

* updated ([`0744b59`](

* updated poetry lock file and changelog file ([`72ef7c7`](



* updated pyproject and readme ([`f85a2de`](

* fixed type hint issue ([`42add51`](

* fixed type hint issue ([`a8bd30d`](

* fixed type hint issue ([`119bce8`](

* updated ([`39db5d3`](

* fixed type hint issue ([`816a35d`](

* fixed type hint issue ([`eed8658`](

* updated ([`063c594`](

* fixed type hint issue ([`2bc112a`](

* fixed type hint issue ([`a879f1b`](

* fixed value issue. ([`cff893f`](

* fixed type hint issue. ([`82b4e7c`](

* fixed type hint issue. ([`3f1f465`](

* fixed type hint issue. ([`7e82c64`](

* fixed type hint issue. ([`cfcfe46`](

* fixed type hint issue. ([`c9ff2e2`](

* fixed type hint issue. ([`98da188`](

* removed json import ([`e6fef1c`](

* fixed the Response return type ([`c6a0b3f`](

* formatted with pylint and black ([`3585051`](

* formatted with pylint and black ([`9bcfe14`](

* changed the Response type to the response from Paystack server. ([`5dff180`](

* added a utils file ([`23fc48c`](



* updated tests for verification: async and sync ([`77edffe`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`e4cca50`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`0134ce6`](

* updated documentation for transfers control: async and sync ([`072bd07`](

* updated documentation for transfer: async and sync ([`8645152`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`d545ba4`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`72f1057`](

* updated documentation for transfer recipients: async and sync ([`ed9e357`](

* updated documentation for transaction splits: async and sync ([`c86d5be`](

* updated tests for transaction splits: async and sync ([`cfddbed`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`cfb089a`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`3bbf976`](

* updated test for transaction: async and sync ([`f807ede`](

* updated documentation for transaction: async and sync ([`4057d77`](

* added TransactionStatus enum class ([`974e4b3`](

* added Bearer enum class ([`2e5611a`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`30216d1`](

* updated documentation for terminals: sync and async ([`ca6d1ad`](

* added event action enum class ([`566035b`](

* updated test for terminal: async and sync ([`872ef2b`](

* updated documentation for subscriptions: async and sync ([`71b9173`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`d47783a`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`887d232`](

* updated documentation for subaccounts: async and sync ([`0b81c83`](

* updated tests for subaccounts: async and sync ([`c5bc212`](

* added a settlement schedule enum class ([`ac94065`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`b2e3cf5`](

* updated status enum class ([`7e3261d`](

* updated tests for settlements: async and sync ([`4205bbb`](

* updated documentation for settlements: async and sync ([`9aaa3d6`](

* updated documentation for refund: async and sync ([`bf7957f`](

* updated documentation for refund: async and sync ([`f8a4531`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`1b5de71`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`3627aa0`](

* updated documentation for products: async and sync ([`ff8cd29`](

* updated tests for products: async and sync ([`8d35f91`](

* updated tests for plan: async and sync ([`ce0ce5c`](

* updated documentation for plan: async and sync ([`cb7b96b`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`e954e7e`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`9d94d2d`](

* added a PayMentRequestStatus enum class ([`447ae75`](

* updated documentation for payment requests: async and sync ([`1fc8bd6`](

* updated test for payment requests: async and sync ([`5dde4db`](

* updated test for payment pages: async and sync ([`16319fd`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`c88660d`](

* updated documentation payment pages: async and sync ([`f11cc92`](

* updated typing annotations ([`b8fdd00`](

* updated errors for testing ([`743a4ef`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;origin/master&39; ([`da07720`](

* updated the typing annotations for base and abase scripts ([`2089e40`](

* Update charges.rst ([`b3fb72d`](

* Update acharges.rst ([`f528c8a`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`e3eec87`](

* updated documentation for miscellaneous: async and sync ([`2b12dab`](

* Added gateway enum class ([`76f45ac`](

* updated documentation of integration: async and sync ([`0fa1f2e`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`7db27de`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`23f5153`](

* updated documentation for disputes: async and sync ([`bc1f086`](

* updated test for disputes: async and sync ([`ccfd2c4`](

* added DisputeStatus enum class ([`4cbb6a2`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`d5e6037`](

* updated tests for dva: sync and async ([`ef5d2ea`](

* updated documentation for dva: sync and async ([`64c49da`](

* added DVABank enum class ([`3f4eee8`](

* updated documentation customers: async and sync ([`784b119`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`6694a61`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`84786c5`](

* updated test for charges: async and sync ([`9fcdea5`](

* updated documentation ([`d4b27e0`](

* added EFT enum class ([`8bc4e4a`](

* updated documentation charges: async and sync ([`50d6548`](

* updated from Union type to Optional ([`f8567fe`](

* added Union typE hint and a default value ([`ade0fff`](

* updated documentation bulk charges: sync and async ([`b518ce1`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`45fe4ce`](

* updated te return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse object respectively. ([`bcbe10d`](

* updated documentation: applepay and aapplepay ([`854f13f`](

* updated the return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse ([`e466a6a`](

* updated the test: abase and base ([`21769a8`](

* updated the return type from dict to Response and ClientResponse ([`8091f58`](

* removed str(val) from lower case method ([`75df2ae`](

* removed str(val) from lower case method ([`d1eb571`](

* Update ([`ed9f29c`](

* Update ([`9df0067`](

* updated the following async and sync rst files: customers ([`a8e645f`](

* updated the following async and sync rst files: customers ([`3b9fb15`](

* updated the following async and sync test py files: customers ([`7eca457`](

* updated the following async and sync py files: customers: added default values ([`7a7ccdf`](

* updated the following async and sync py files: customers: added default values ([`b078998`](

* updated the following async and sync rst files: charges ([`2daa9fb`](

* updated the following async and sync test files: charges ([`856ab07`](

* updated the following async and sync rst files: bulk charges ([`2281c4f`](

* updated the following async and sync rst files: apple pay ([`8c46230`](

* updated the following async and sync rst files: apple pay ([`41fa71e`](

* updated the following async and sync rst files: bulk charges ([`5c029aa`](

* updated the following rst files: aapplepay, applepay ([`94037e9`](

* updated the following rst files: submodules ([`1d390ae`](

* updated the following rst files: paystack and apaystack ([`cc46c46`](

* added favicon ([`7d3046f`](

* updated async and sync bulk charges: added default values, Union, removed Optional. ([`300e054`](

* updated added logo ([`a1cab86`](

* updated added logo ([`575a21a`](

* updated ([`7d28d9b`](

* Delete docs/images/paystackease.png ([`11646b7`](

* added paystackease logo ([`7c6bf36`](

* added tests for date and datetime for both the async and sync base files ([`d878d5f`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;origin/master&39; ([`454e5a7`](

* updated readme ([`891a7f7`](

* Delete requirements.txt ([`47ef9ca`](

* Update .readthedocs.yaml ([`90c3544`](

* Update .readthedocs.yaml ([`4c54bc0`](

* Update .readthedocs.yaml ([`5fdeb2c`](

* Update .readthedocs.yaml ([`6327a9d`](

* Update .readthedocs.yaml ([`9333650`](

* Update .readthedocs.yaml ([`c2b504d`](

* Update changelog.rst ([`fc2a2b4`](

* Update ([`ff1e257`](

* updated pyproject toml file ([`e78a20b`](

* updated changelog and readme files ([`f51b8b9`](

* updated chanelog and readme files ([`87f6b1a`](

* included datetime in the convert_to_string method ([`8f31b88`](

* updated test file: conftest ([`718bae4`](

* added and updated async and sync test files: verification ([`6083e8f`](

* added and updated async and sync test files: transfers_control ([`ae0fb79`](

* added and updated async and sync test files: transfers ([`f6b9966`](

* added and updated async and sync test files: transfer_recipients ([`dec0fdc`](

* added and updated async and sync test files: transactions ([`2622e2c`](

* added and updated async and sync test files: transaction splits ([`0e4fd5a`](

* added and updated async and sync test files: terminal ([`42631c7`](

* added and updated async and sync test files: subscriptions ([`d63b3cf`](

* added and updated async and sync test files: subaccounts ([`0604db1`](

* added and updated async and sync test files: settlement ([`3f5cab4`](

* added and updated async and sync test files: refund ([`b77f195`](

* added and updated async and sync test files: products ([`ff7fef5`](

* added and updated async and sync test files: plans ([`266c1ef`](

* added and updated async and sync test files: payment_request ([`a2c3e47`](

* added and updated async and sync test files: payment_pages ([`f0336c6`](

* added and updated async and sync test files: miscellaneous ([`3710088`](

* added and updated async and sync test files: integration ([`e00a784`](

* added and updated async and sync test files: disputes ([`59c4b25`](

* added and updated async and sync test files: dedicated_va ([`fa0e186`](

* added and updated async and sync test files: dva ([`d2954e0`](

* added a default value to the active in list_dedicated_virtual_account method ([`74909aa`](

* updated and added test for async and sync apple pay, bulk charges and customers ([`9a16e58`](

* updated and added test for async and sync charges. ([`a5acd7c`](

* added test for bulk charges and updated conftest and test_aapple_pay. ([`943693b`](

* updated test base charges script files ([`c8dd403`](

* added test scrip files ([`6c518b7`](

* updated the following py scripts: conftest and test_aapple_pay ([`89f7bc1`](

* updated the following py scripts: base and abase ([`7182a15`](

* updated the following py scripts: conftest, test_aapple_pay ([`1e3fb55`](

* updated the following py scripts: conftest, test_abase, abase and base ([`8e6f916`](

* updated the following py scripts: conftest and test_abase ([`f3cfafa`](

* Update ([`9f04b11`](

* Update ([`7d0af21`](

* updated gitignore ([`e79cb5b`](

* updated test files: abase ([`286b7ad`](

* updated test files: abase ([`c3ed3f0`](

* updated test files: abase and conftest ([`f468a00`](

* updated files ([`1586210`](

* updated test files: abase and base ([`b535e21`](

* updated files ([`ca93949`](

* updated files ([`3421ce3`](

* updated test_base script files ([`50adaae`](

* added test script files ([`fbee318`](

* updated gitignore file ([`9d14ed2`](

* updated requirements file ([`d5e623e`](

* updated usage rst file ([`bf817d4`](

* updated usage rst file ([`12af2a0`](

* updated usage rst file ([`a51d5bd`](

* Update usage.rst ([`0e3d7d2`](

* Update usage.rst ([`421ad96`](

* Update index.rst ([`51e0839`](

* Update usage.rst ([`10b1643`](

* Update submodules.rst ([`97b2444`](

* Update paystackease.helpers.rst ([`8c30bbb`](

* Update paystackease.async_apis.rst ([`34e2181`](

* Update paystackease.apis.rst ([`8b4fecb`](

* Update index.rst ([`27f136f`](

* Update index.rst ([`6e06140`](

* Update index.rst ([`ee9e74e`](

* Update index.rst ([`c376954`](

* updated index rst file ([`56e3fb2`](

* updated index rst file ([`3f915f7`](

* updated index rst file ([`fd8732b`](

* updated rst file ([`441c4fe`](

* updated rst file ([`c717506`](

* updated index rst file ([`a9bba20`](

* added and updated rst files ([`1dcd685`](

* Update ([`db45e0c`](

* Update ([`ca06a21`](

* Update ([`b04bfb0`](

* Update ([`2939318`](

* Update ([`63fb04e`](

* Update ([`2495fe9`](

* Update ([`718a51a`](

* Update ([`84f9ed0`](

* Update ([`904fb1b`](

* Update ([`c397307`](

* Update ([`0fbd587`](

* Update ([`94e5991`](

* Update ([`c611619`](

* Update ([`9489776`](

* Update ([`8984a7a`](

* Update ([`0d6581d`](

* Update ([`c1ec78c`](

* Update ([`86d5ec0`](

* Update ([`aa1b57d`](

* Update ([`a9a815f`](

* Update ([`5dc1e72`](

* Update ([`17a3f09`](

* Update ([`8c93779`](

* Update ([`9085fd8`](

* Update ([`1f3b218`](

* Update ([`cefbffc`](

* Update ([`eb60a82`](

* Update ([`bde5f91`](

* Update ([`0ba87a0`](

* Update ([`3223dc4`](

* Update ([`3c2a40c`](

* Update ([`3fc1b06`](

* Update ([`310b326`](

* Update ([`8055dcd`](

* Update ([`43eaaef`](

* Update ([`3195450`](

* Update ([`f4cd596`](

* Update ([`b777499`](

* Update ([`e8a7d2e`](

* Update ([`27d9df8`](

* Update ([`7038eaf`](

* Update ([`cfb2ef0`](

* Update ([`33f82b0`](

* Update ([`628c57f`](

* Update ([`511ee7f`](

* Update ([`d9b0c61`](

* deleted and updated files ([`132f4b7`](

* added rst files and updated and index.rst ([`6074d62`](

* updated apis and async_apis init files ([`6ecaf9e`](

* removed rst files ([`b13fdf2`](

* updated modules and packages ([`a999827`](

* updated index.rst file ([`52ba7b0`](

* updated rst files ([`41628cf`](

* updated rst files ([`725f55f`](

* updated rst files ([`da9a824`](

* updated rst files ([`132c40d`](

* updated the following rst files: paysatckease.apis and paystackease.async_apis ([`c0a1390`](

* updated the following rst files: index, submodules, abase, base, paystack, apaystack ([`4c3fa9c`](

* updated rst files ([`85d2176`](

* updated rst files ([`1bedf61`](

* updated rst files ([`d82f06b`](

* updated rst files ([`1f629bc`](

* updated rst files ([`d514583`](

* updated rst files ([`2e0f3f2`](

* updated rst files ([`a73ac9b`](

* updated rst files ([`3b316d6`](

* updated rst files ([`456e985`](

* updated rst files ([`04cab17`](

* updated charges, customers, acharges, acustomers, paystack.apis, and paystack.async_apis rst files ([`c1657e7`](

* updated files ([`1d1f368`](

* updated pyproject file ([`571398e`](

* updated ([`d8dd9d5`](

* updated ([`8092cab`](

* updated ([`ec6ea88`](

* updated ([`56973fb`](

* updated gitignore file ([`ca95927`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;origin/master&39; ([`6df1e3d`](

* Delete .idea directory ([`5c7ddd0`](

* updated gitignore file ([`6cc027c`](

* updated gitignore file ([`a56e655`](

* Delete .idea directory ([`3c1e86f`](

* updated async and sync rst files: aapple, apple, abulkcharges, bulkcharges, paystackease.apis, and paystackease.async_apis. ([`3e57481`](

* updated async and sync rst files: rst files ([`2be070f`](

* updated async and sync rst files: bulkcharges and, abulkcharges. ([`a321631`](

* updated async and sync rst files: applepay, aapplepay, bulkcharges, abulkcharges, paystackease.apis and paystackease.async_apis. ([`d2f78b1`](

* updated async and sync rst files: applepay, aapplepay, paystackease.apis and paystackease.async_apis ([`8be279c`](

* updated rst file ([`26da4f3`](

* updated rst file ([`5169c77`](

* updated apple pay rst file ([`4f49cf1`](

* updated apple pay rst file ([`c0c3abc`](

* updated rst file ([`026cb58`](

* updated abase, base, apaystack and paystack rst file ([`b216189`](

* updated abase.rst file ([`447ac33`](

* updated rst files ([`7f4735c`](

* updated rst files ([`491e7bd`](

* updated rst files ([`c208a50`](

* updated conf file ([`b97a94f`](

* Update pyproject.toml ([`cc63209`](

* Update .readthedocs.yaml ([`b26ab77`](

* Update .readthedocs.yaml ([`6fa0fc2`](

* updated reaadthedocs file ([`2247df6`](

* updated reaadthedocs file ([`fdd6c4c`](

* updated reaadthedocs file ([`42bb44a`](

* updated reaadthedocs file ([`c809214`](

* updated requirements file ([`fd20cf8`](

* added .readthedocs.yaml file ([`b75b328`](

* removed .readthedocs.yaml file ([`badb3fb`](

* updated documentation ([`da95bec`](

* updated documentation ([`40ebc62`](

* updated documentation ([`76f0449`](

* updated gitignore ([`cf34ba3`](

* added documentations ([`4373daf`](

* added documentations ([`e37b182`](

* added documentations ([`15b3d13`](

* added documentations ([`1da0939`](

* added documentations ([`f9ce655`](

* added documentations ([`9edd31d`](

* added documentations ([`38ea001`](

* updated helpers ([`27e96b6`](

* updated docstrings ([`3c73b01`](

* updated docstrings ([`b139c3b`](

* updated sync and async files: transfer control and verification ([`eaef2d8`](

* updated sync and async files: transfer ([`cab2887`](

* updated sync and async files: transfer_recipients ([`cf16a7c`](

* updated sync and async files: transaction ([`3417f53`](

* updated sync and async files: transaction_splits ([`c7887d5`](

* updated sync and async files: terminal ([`47c8815`](

* updated sync and async files: refund, settlement, subaccount and subscription ([`b48180c`](

* updated sync and async files: payment request, payment pages, plans and products ([`0d93943`](

* updated sync and async files: disputes, integration and miscellaneous ([`b6b3880`](

* updated sync and async files: dedicated virtual account ([`f9b793b`](

* updated sync and async files: apple pay, bulk charges, charges, and others ([`c6a69e4`](

* updated sync and async charges scripts ([`0b2b854`](

* updated sync and async apple pay and bulk charges scripts ([`536bd02`](

* updated project ([`8ccde81`](

* updated project ([`45083d1`](

* updated project ([`c262f07`](

* updated pyproject.tomlt ([`4339a39`](

* updated and ([`1b7edac`](

* updated and ([`9e577c9`](

* updated ([`a4152b7`](

* updated the base and abase script file and added ([`d6c0686`](

* added events and webhook script files ([`91568f8`](

* Create poetry lock and pyproject.toml ([`f7b5eba`](

* Create ([`1f4f7c5`](

* Added some files ([`4ee49bc`](

* Delete api_docs directory ([`8f156b8`](

* added an image ([`568b116`](

* Create

. ([`0193f4f`](

* Create

added ([`70b0357`](

* updated the readme file ([`37a0260`](

* updated the base and abase script files. ([`9d1a447`](

* updated the base and abase script files. ([`5090c9a`](

* updated the pyproject.toml, removed tests folder, added and files ([`7ab3966`](

* Made changes to pyproject.toml ([`36d164c`](

* Made changes to pyproject.toml ([`4d726c1`](

* Made changes to pyproject.toml ([`59ab8eb`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;github/master&39; ([`aeb98c4`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;github/master&39; ([`a97e40a`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;github/master&39; ([`22a46ca`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;github/master&39; ([`8ca206e`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;github/master&39; ([`a326feb`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;github/master&39; ([`5261806`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;github/master&39; ([`45eb873`](

* Removed the convert_to_string functino from _convert module. ([`0aa9b4c`](

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