
Latest version: v0.6.4

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git log --reverse --pretty=format:'* %s [%h]' v0.5.1..v0.5.2

* Merge tag 'v0.5.1' into develop [b2f5992]
* DOC: __init__.py, setup.py, HISTORY.rst: v0.5.2 [0cb8e87]
* Merge branch 'release/0.5.2' [cfeed42]



git log --reverse --pretty=format:'* %s [%h]' v0.5.0..v0.5.1

* Merge tag 'v0.5.0' into develop [0ecf417]
* DOC: HISTORY.rst: v0.5.0, [a1111d4]
* DOC: README.rst [b6ac7ee]
* BUG,TST,REF: generate longdates, regular imports, test that queue['id'] is the max [fb1ab15]
* DOC: HISTORY.rst: v0.5.1 [ad04316]
* RLS: __init__.py: version v0.5.1 [a84d4e2]
* Merge branch 'release/0.5.1' [4cda097]



git log --reverse --pretty=format:'* %s [%h]' v0.4.1..v0.5.0

* ENH: main.py: Add --print-all output formatter [016a601]
* BUG,ENH: main.py encoding errors w/ getwriter, print_json_link_list [f26b867]
* ENH,TST: print_html_tree, tornado app, recursive RDFa template (todo: simplify) [102c5c8]
* ENH: /bookmarks (jstree, /bookmarks/dict), /bookmarks/list [4bea937]
* BUG: make window.open work with middle-click [4e7673d]
* ENH,REF,CLN: JSON handlers, searchterm! onhashchanged, css, [markdown](url://formatting) [578c0ff]
* BUG,REF: onhashchange sync ('bindings'), css [8145dc6]
* TST: tests/test_app.py: tornado.testing.AsyncHTTPTestCase [ba24573]
* REF: /bookmarks -> /bookmarks/chrome [ac47841]
* TST,REF: main function signature, explicit stdout, q [19f50a8]
* BUG: main() argv must default to sys.argv[1:] for console_script [3ee4438]
* TST: tests/data: current output [0b2384f]
* REF: utils.get_template, imports [3cfbaca]
* REF: -> pbm [c1e292e]
* REF: -> pbm [9d57407]
* REF: -> pbm [6481879]
* REF: -> pbm [abae5ed]
* RLS: setup.py, __init__.py: v0.5.0 [ab5e5e3]
* Merge branch 'release/0.5.0' [c6096e8]



git log --reverse --pretty=format:'* %s [%h]' v0.4.0..v0.4.1

* Merge tag 'v0.4.0' into develop [604f9d3]
* BLD: MANIFEST.in: exclude .ropeproject and .bak [86a9090]
* RLS: HISTORY.txt: v0.4.1 release notes [a93991d]
* BLD,CLN: MANIFEST.in, Makefile: clean [3617d0c]
* RLS: HISTORY.txt: v0.4.1 release notes [2c0300f]
* RLS: setup.py: v0.4.1 [2990c02]
* Merge branch 'release/v0.4.1' [f9a5a67]
* Merge tag 'vv0.4.1' into develop [357d223]



git log --reverse --pretty=format:'* %s [%h]' v0.3.0..v0.4.0

* Merge tag 'v0.3.0' into develop [08b5088]
* BLD: Makefile: make test -> nosetests ./tests/test_promiumbookmarks.py [c934e99]
* BUG: promiumbookmarks.plugins.PromiumPlugin: accept a conf={} argument [261a855]
* TST: test_promiumbookmarks: remove import of promiumbookmarks.plugins.other [91d8132]
* REF: promiumbookmarks/promiumbookmarks.py: factor BookmarksObject back into ChromiumBookmarks [4df13c9]
* DOC: promiumbookmarks.ChromiumBookmarks.walk_bookmarks: docstring [780da1f]
* BUG: promiumbookmarks.ChromiumBookmarks.bookmarks_list: bookmarks_list consume the iterable [1d1ab48]
* CLN: dbf plugin: cleanup and simplify [26e3c07]
* ENH: bookmarkletsfolder.py: add "notetab (800px)" bookmarklet (closes 2) [53582c9]
* BUG: promiumbookmarks.ChromiumBookmarks.walk_bookmarks: pass filterfunc through [ee41454]
* TST: tests/data/Bookmarks: set date_added to a nonzero date [c88f78b]
* BUG: set date_added to a nonzero date [326c4fe]
* ENH: Add plugins.DedupePlugin to deduplicate bookmarks on (url, date_added) [9369891]
* TST: Bookmarks [1620af5]
* TST: tests/data/Bookmarks: add starred, queued [ca7278e]
* DOC: README.rst: fix title underline [5c8dc9f]
* REF: promiumbookmarks.plugins plugin API [773ff26]
* ENH: plugins.starred: O instead of (searchable) [aa95b9c]
* ENH: plugins.starred: prefix with X [783411d]
* BLD: Makefile: check readme syntax [1309ac4]
* RLS: HISTORY.txt: v0.4.0 release notes [39ef2b2]
* Merge branch 'release/0.4.0' [ca63866]



git log --reverse --pretty=format:'* %s [%h]' v0.2.5..v0.3.0

* Merge tag 'v0.2.5' into develop [2a1cfaa]
* CLN,ENH: refactoring, initial plugin support [aaf96dc]
* CLN: auto-lint [1b25145]
* ENH: refactor to plugins, move tests to test_promiumbookmarks.py, add allinone and starred plugins [67dc734]
* Merge with 0.2.5 [4dca76e]
* DOC: README.rst, HISTORY.rst: headings [5f0a8a1]
* RLS: setup.py: version 0.3.0 [b191c91]
* Merge branch 'release/0.3.0' [fcd8496]

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