
Latest version: v2.3.0

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:sparkles: Added arguments feature for `add` command
> :tada: Added argument System for `add` command.
> :memo: Revised documentation.

- :art: Nothing :) hate you flake8!
- :memo: Updated website
- :white_check_mark: Added 2 tests for arguments
- :arrow_up: Updated Markdown
- :construction_worker: Remove Threshold option
- :white_check_mark: Added test for arguments
- :pushpin: Pinned pytest-cov vers
- :wrench: Update code coverage threshold
- :memo: Added docs for arguments
- :art: Flake8 changes
- :wrench: Updated dependencies.
- [skip ci] TODO
- [skip ci] :bulb: :recycle: Added doc for new functions
- [skip ci] :pencil2: :memo: Fixed broken link
- [skip ci] TODO
- [skip ci] :sparkles: Built argument feature for run command
- [skip ci] :alembic: :hammer: Trying out argument feature and updated code.
- :pencil2: :heavy_plus_sign: Updated link and added colorama
- :lipstick: Fixed image paths
- :memo: Updated shields
- Update README.md
- Merge pull request 46 from j0fiN/dependabot/pip/mypy-0.950
- :arrow_up: Bump mypy from 0.910 to 0.950
- Merge pull request 40 from j0fiN/dependabot/pip/mkdocs-material-8.1.8
- :arrow_up: Bump mkdocs-material from 7.3.6 to 8.1.8
- Merge pull request 28 from j0fiN/dependabot/pip/mkdocs-material-7.3.6
- :arrow_up: Bump mkdocs-material from 7.2.5 to 7.3.6
- Merge pull request 29 from j0fiN/dependabot/pip/flake8-4.0.1
- :arrow_up: Bump flake8 from 3.9.2 to 4.0.1
- :truck: Moved tryouts files to tryouts dir
- :white_check_mark: Ignored tryouts dir
- :bug: Removed dataclass in tryouts
- :hammer: tryouts for new template command
- :hammer: linter fix for tryouts
- :hammer: tryouts of a new feature for add command.
- Merge pull request 17 from j0fiN/dependabot/pip/mkdocs-material-7.2.5
- :arrow_up: Bump mkdocs-material from 7.1.11 to 7.2.5
- Merge pull request 12 from j0fiN/dependabot/pip/mkdocs-material-7.1.11
- :arrow_up: Bump mkdocs-material from 7.1.9 to 7.1.11
- Merge pull request 10 from j0fiN/dependabot/pip/mkdocs-material-7.1.9
- Update README.md
- :arrow_up: Bump mkdocs-material from 7.1.6 to 7.1.9



:sparkles: `add` command and major refactoring
> :tada: Introducing add command to add command from terminal.
> :art: Complete codebase refactoring.
> :white_check_mark: 100% code coverage.
> :hammer: Command suggestion system added.

- :memo: v2.2.0 Updated
- :bookmark: v2.2.0
- Merge pull request 9 from j0fiN/dependabot/pip/mypy-0.910
- Added Distance module
- missed ignore yaml types in core
- :label: Ignored type check for yaml
- :arrow_up: Bump mypy from 0.812 to 0.910
- :sparkles: Added cmd suggestion for wrong input
- :label: Reduced types & :hammer: added fn for list
- :memo: Added meta data for all py files
- :memo: docs under construction
- :pencil2: typo in add command
- :memo: Updated
- :recycle: Refactoring codebase
- :recycle: Refactored code base
- :recycle: Moved fish cmd echo funnction into __echoes__
- :hammer: Added Script which contains all constants.
- :recycle: Moved add_cmd_save function into core.
- :memo: Updated
- :white_check_mark: Updated imports and codecov
- :bug: :tada: Codecov now 100% !
- :art: Called functions from __core__ and __echoes__
- :art: Moved echo functions into __echoes__.py
- :hammer: Moved tester functions into __helper__.py
- :hammer: pushed core functions into __core__.py
- :memo: Updated
- :recycle: Fixed linter and ignore mypy
- :white_check_mark: Added tests for add command
- :hammer: Changed indent nnumber
- :hammer: Updated error handles
- :fish: Added additional stuffs for add command
- :hammer: Updated the loader to BaseLoader
- :hammer: Added add command
- :art: Refactored the file
- :construction: Building file handling.
- :construction: Building add command
- :memo: Updated
- :memo: rough_sheet moved to TODO
- Merge pull request 4 from j0fiN/dependabot/pip/mkdocs-material-7.1.6
- :arrow_up: Bump mkdocs-material from 7.1.5 to 7.1.6
- :pencil2: changed the file format of gif
- :memo: Added gif
- :camera_flash: Added gif for Readme.
- Create dependabot.yml


- :ambulance: Added dev requirements file
- :ambulance: removed unwanted extras


- :memo: Updated pypi doc
- :memo: Added doc link and some styling
- :pencil2: Name change from exceptor to pcmd
- :memo: Updated doc link in fish command
- :art: Updated shields
- :truck: Fixed paths
- :truck: Moved logo files
- :green_heart: Fixing CI
- :construction_worker: Added CI for publishing docs.
- :memo: Updated version features
- :memo: Refining docs and code refactoring
- :lipstick: Added target blank for links
- :wrench: Updated linkedin link
- :pencil2: Refined docs to perfection.
- :green_heart: Fixed .coveragerc
- :white_check_mark: Ignored __main__.py coverage
- :art: Updated linter checks
- :art: Beautified fish command with tabs
- :fish: Updated commands to py -m pcmd
- :hammer: Cli updated to be called via py -m
- :white_check_mark: Updated tests for list command
- :fish: Added test command chains for cd
- :bug: Fixed error handling for empty cmd.yaml files
- :hammer: Added cd functionality
- :wrench: cov-config flag added
- :memo: Updated
- :construction_worker: Added codecov
- :white_check_mark: Increased code cov
- :memo: Added badges.
- :heavy_plus_sign: added dev deps as extras
- :white_check_mark: Added code coverage
- :fish: Changed to dynamic testing
- :white_check_mark: Added tests for CLI commands
- :art: Fixed linters
- :hammer: Changed the fish command
- :hammer: Added force flag for init command
- :white_check_mark: Added function for tests
- :fish: Updated for tests
- :memo: Added styling user_guide page doc
- :memo: Added releases page doc
- :memo: Added developement page doc
- :memo: Added design page doc
- :fish: Added another custom command.
- :art: linter changes
- :fish: Add poetry pre-commit checks
- :hammer: Added promt for docs.
- :pencil2: Change output message.
- :lipstick: Changed link class name
- :memo: Added examples doc
- :memo: Added user_guide doc
- :memo: Added index doc
- :wrench: changed to py 3.6
- :wrench: Added list extension
- :camera_flash: Added social media banner.
- :fire: Removed examples folder. Moved to docs.
- :white_check_mark: Changed test for list
- :lipstick: Styling links in docs
- :memo: Created pages for docs.
- :wrench: Changed some doc page names.
- :wrench: Added mkdocs config file
- :lipstick: personal theme for docs
- :memo: Added doc main page
- :hammer: Added msg when cmd.yaml created
- :memo: Added demo from root file.
- :camera_flash: Changed logo and banner color
- :truck: Moved assets into docs
- :truck: Changed path of logo_banner
- :heavy_plus_sign: Added mkdocs-material
- :fish: Added names for each pcmd cmd and doc
- :memo: Updated
- :memo: TODO
- :memo: Examples added.
- :memo: Updated
- :label: Updated annotations.
- :hammer: Added init command
- :bug: Typo in variable
- :camera: Fixed picture encoding
- :art: linter checks
- :memo: TODO
- :bug: Fixed UnicodeDecode error
- :hammer: Added inspect command
- :memo: Decorated the docstring
- :camera_flash: Updated logo and banner to cyan theme
- :lipstick: Changed package color to cyan
- :fish: Testing -p option
- :hammer: Added --pretty option
- :memo: TODO
- :page_facing_up: Updated name and year
- :memo: TODO
- :hammer: Added explicit start and end for list command
- :clown_face: Added rough sheet for :poop: purposes
- :art: Fixed linter errors
- :bulb: Added comments for each set.
- :wrench: Removed W605, W291, E501
- :hammer: Changed to subprocess.run from os.system
- :art: Fixed E203
- :construction_worker: Updated mypy testing
- :fish: Updated a commit flow command
- :label: Updated annotations
- :wrench: Added mypy
- :wrench: Updated statistics flag.
- :fish: Updated commands
- :art: Updated flake8 structuring
- :construction_worker: Added flake8 linter check
- :package: Added flake8 as dev dep
- :wrench: Added flake8 linter
- :fish: Updated cmd.yaml
- Updated Pytest.
- :construction_worker: Added actions
- :package: Added requirements.txt for CI


:ambulance: check for `cmd.yaml` FileNotFound issue
- :bookmark: v1.2.3 path bug fixed
- :truck: Changed path to palin file name.


:memo: :pencil2: Documentation fixes and :bug: bug fix
> Pypi readme link fixed, changelogs typo fixed. App call removed.
- :bookmark: v1.2.2 resolved docs and app call
- :ambulance: Removed app call
- :pencil2: Fixed broken source code link

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