* New format version (2)
* API breaking changes
* Replaced `FloatMultSpec` and `IntMultSpec` with `mode_spec: ModeSpec` in `ChunkConfig`.
* Removed `auto_delta_encoding_order` function.
* API additions
* Added support for 16-bit data types.
* Added `LatentDescriber` API, accessible by `NumberLike::get_latent_describer`.
* Improvements
* Added `FloatQuant` mode and automatic detection for it, improving compression ratio on quantized float data.
* Increased compression speed for high compression levels slightly.
* Added support for 16-bit types.
* Replaced separate `int_mult_spec` and `float_mult_spec` configs with`mode_spec: ModeSpec`.
* Upgraded Rust implementation from 0.2.5 to 0.3.0.
Upgraded Rust implementation from 0.1.3 to 0.2.5.