- install /usr/share/pcp/lib/rc-proc.sh containing common
shell functions for use by rc scripts - these functions
are tolerant of the chkconfig command missing (as in SUSE).
- update all rc scripts and {pmlogger,pmie}_{check,daily} scripts
to use the new rc-proc.sh functions. Remove the /etc/sysconfig
stuff entirely (it was not being used anyway).
- fix for 795934 : after rpm -U, pcp is chkconfig off. It turned
out that an upgrade executes the %post _and_ the %preun scripts,
which resulted in pcp being chkconfig'd on then off again.
- fix pmie rc scripts so they work, are chkconfig friendly,
and cope with _and_ without pmieconf (which is in pcp-pro).
Also install /var/pcp/config/pmie/config.default as a simple example
to monitor the load average and report to syslog. The pmie
daemon is chkconfig off by default.
- default run levels for pmcd and pmie (daemon) are now 2345, for SUSE
- reconcile troff and groff differences in man page sources
- fix for bug 797049 use strftime(%z) to determine timezone offsets
w.r.t. daylight savings
- portability surgery on src/libpcp_trace, and add new pmtracecounter()
function, see pmtracebegin(3) for details.
- reconcile pcp.env and pmcd.options from IRIX
- fix for bug 797048 update-magic does not fully remove old entries
before adding new, hence the magic file would grow after each upgrade
- other minor reconciliation work with IRIX
- fix build environment to allow proper handling of compressed man pages
- add support for RPM version 4.
- add support for add kernel.{all,percpu}.syscall metrics
(requires kernel patch)
- fixed for bug 797164: potential SEGV due to calling realloc on a
misused pointer - src/pmdas/weblog/weblog.c
- use realpath(3) to resolve devices in /proc/mounts for filesys.* metrics