
Latest version: v0.3.10

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Use line breaks from pdfium


- Option to keep characters with JSON/dictionary output
- Fix some bugs when interfacing with the pdfium c api (thanks mara004)


- Add probability threshold for block predictions


- Select a range of pages versus converting the whole doc
- Minor internal refactor to use docs versus paths


- Fix bug where hyphens didn't show up at the end of lines
- Improve wrapping for hyphens - join words across hyphens before newline (disable by passing `keep_hyphens`)
- Restructure output to avoid redundant info in json blob - keep track of text spans with similar font info instead of individual characters
- Update model to predict blocks more accurately


- Switch the character box to a `loose` box, to get the full character range

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