Added an option in viewerTab to write the vibrating molecule as a cif file.
Modified the cif output format so it is more like that of Mercury
Introduced psutil.cpu_count as this will give the number of physical processors
Switched the multiprocessing module to the multiprocess module (pickling is better)
Overrode the mkl environment variable for the number of threads. PDgui now uses mkl threading, unless it is in multiprocessing mode.
Used dill for the pickling itself.
In preader added an option to pickle each of the readers that are created and store them in a file
Added a script, pickled_reader which can read the pickled file. The script is just an example of how the readers can be read in and the contents accessed.
Modified to use print_info instead of printInfo
New set of pyhton packages are needed for the above;
Added new test for p2cif
Removed redundant imports from all files