* Expanded use of type hints in place of ``:rtype`` Sphinx directive * Remove unused dependency ``deprecation`` * Fix bug: path ``/tags/{id}/{entity_type}`` breaks entity wrapping logic (`issue 130 <https://github.com/PagerDuty/pdpyras/issues/130>`_)
* Remove deprecated escape sequences, which were causing downstream linter/unit test errors, from docstrings * Remove references to removed properties from the module reference that were causing Sphinx warnings
* Address issue `115 <https://github.com/PagerDuty/pdpyras/issues/115>`_ by adding default values to :attr:`pdpyras.PDSession.retry` for Events and Change Events API client classes * Upgrade CI images * Add support for Python 3.11
* Fix bug: using ``iter_all`` on an endpoint that supports cursor-based pagination should correctly call out to ``iter_cursor`` (it was making the call but with a removed keyword argument)
* **New features:** * Add the ability to specify a timestamp when submitting a change event by supplying keyword argument ``timestamp`` to ``ChangeEventsAPISession.submit`` * Explicitly include the upstream exception as cause when raising due to a non-transient network error * **Breaking Changes:** * Removal of deprecated functions: * ``pdpyras.tokenize_url_path`` * ``pdpyras.resource_envelope`` * ``pdpyras.object_type`` * ``pdpyras.resource_name`` * ``pdpyras.raise_on_error`` * Removal of deprecated keyword arguments: * ``__init__`` for all session classes no longer accepts ``name`` * ``pdpyras.APISession.iter_all`` no longer accepts ``paginate`` * ``pdpyras.APISession.iter_cursor`` no longer accepts ``attribute`` * Removal of deprecated object methods/properties: * ``pdpyras.APISession.profiler_key`` * ``pdpyras.APISession.raise_if_http_error``
* Fix bug: ``/users/me`` is also ambiguously matched by canonical path ``/users/{id}``; the solution by asmith-pd short-circuits if there is an exact match for the URL to a canonical path