
Latest version: v0.5.4.3

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PELC is a Python package designed to calculate efficiently the HLA Eplet Load (based on the [EpRegistry database]( between donors and recipients. v0.5.0 includes new loci (DRB345, DQA1, DPB1 and DPA1) and better test coverages.


PELC is a Python package designed to calculate efficiently the HLA Eplet Load (based on the [EpRegistry database]( between donors and recipients. v0.4.3 includes bugfixes and better test coverage.


PELC is a Python package designed to calculate efficiently the HLA Eplet Load (based on the [EpRegistry database]( between donors and recipients. v0.4.2 includes the feature of displaying warning messages when the alleles entered by the user are not found in the EpRegistry reference.


PELC is a Python package designed to calculate efficiently the HLA Eplet Load (based on the [EpRegistry database]( between donors and recipients. v0.4.1 has new features (option to return a `pandas.DataFrame` instead of just saving a `.csv` if the object is to be manipulated in Python straight away).


PELC is a Python package designed to calculate efficiently the HLA Eplet Load (based on the [EpRegistry database]( between donors and recipients. v0.4.0 has new features (comparing two alleles instead of comparing two typings) and is faster (using `.pickle` files instead of `.csv` files).


PELC is a Python package designed to calculate efficiently the HLA Eplet Load (based on the [EpRegistry database]( between donors and recipients. v0.3.1 has new features (filtering Antibody Verified eplets or calculating mismatches with all eplets), performance improvements and QOL changes.

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