Added - Channels can be deleted by `id` - A `gap_factor` argument has been added to `segments` and `get_segments` timeseries functions - Pull request templates
Changed - Standardized logging methodology (no more print statements) - Creating a model with invalid properties will no longer fail - the model will be created without any properties and an error will be logged - Fixed `delete_annotation_layer` and `delete_annotation` - Updated `query_annotation_counts` in accordance with updates to the concepts service - `RecordSet`.`as_dataframe` now accepts a `record_id_column_name` arg to optionally include the record_id in the dataframe
Changed - Models after updates to package, dataset, user, and organization API endpoints
Changed - Updated `_update_self` to more reliably rely on model IDs for self verification
Changed - Fixed re-authentication by maintaining organization context
Added - `bf.members` function to return the members of the current organization - Separation of CLI only and client code
Changed - Better working_dataset handling - Timeseries query format has changed for the rest endpoint. Previously returned two arrays - times and values. Now returns a single array of time,value pairs.