New features since last release
* Enable building of python 3.11 wheels and upgrade python on CI/CD workflows to 3.8. [(381)](
* Update clang-tools version in Github workflows. [(351)](
* Improve tests and checks CI/CD pipelines. [(353)](
* Implement 3 Qubit gates (CSWAP & Toffoli) & 4 Qubit gates (DoubleExcitation, DoubleExcitationMinus, DoubleExcitationPlus) using (low-memory) LM architecture. [(362)](
* Upgrade Kokkos and Kokkos Kernels to 3.7.00, and improve sparse matrix-vector multiplication performance and memory usage. [(361)](
* Update Linux (ubuntu-latest) architecture x86_64 wheel-builder from GCC 10.x to GCC 11.x. [(373)](
* Update gcc and g++ 10.x to 11.x in CI tests. This update brings improved support for newer C++ features. [(370)](
* Change Lightning to inherit from QubitDevice instead of DefaultQubit. [(365)](
Bug fixes
* Use mutex when accessing cache in KernelMap. [(382)](
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Amintor Dusko, Chae-Yeun Park, Monit Sharma, Shuli Shu