New features since last release
* Support is added for using the plugin devices with Qiskit 1.0. As the backend provider ``qiskit.BasicAer``
is no longer supported by Qiskit in 1.0, this added support does not extend to the ``"qiskit.aer"`` device.
Instead, a ``"qiskit.basicsim"`` device is added, with the new Qiskit implementation of a Python simulator
device, ``BasicSimulator``, as the backend.
* Backwards compatibility with Qiskit BackendV2 has now been implemented. Previously, only backends of type
BackendV1 were supported but now users can choose to use BackendV2 as well.
Improvements 🛠
* Following updates to allow device compatibility with Qiskit 1.0, the version of `qiskit-ibm-runtime` is
no longer capped.
* The test suite now runs with the most recent `qiskit` and `qiskit-ibm-runtime`, and well as with
`'qiskit==0.45'` and `qiskit-ibm-runtime<0.21` to monitor backward-compatibility.
Contributors ✍️
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Lillian M. A. Frederiksen
Austin Huang