* Add ``mdp`` benchmark: battle with damages and topological sorting of nodes
in a graph
* The ``default`` benchmark group now include all benchmarks but ``pybench``
* If a benchmark fails, log an error, continue to execute following
benchmarks, but exit with error code 1.
* Remove deprecated benchmarks: ``threading_threaded_count`` and
``threading_iterative_count``. It wasn't possible to run them anyway.
* ``dulwich`` requirement is now optional since its installation fails
on Windows.
* Upgrade requirements:
- Mako: 1.0.5 => 1.0.6
- Mercurial: 3.9.2 => 4.0.0
- SQLAlchemy: 1.1.3 => 1.1.4
- backports-abc: 0.4 => 0.5