- Two new tools added to permtools. A command to check if a class has a regular
insertion encoding, and a command to compute the lexicographically minimal
- Typing
- pylint
- `clear_cache` method in `Perm` and `Av`
- `up_to_length`, `of_length`, `first` iterators in Perm and Av
- `to_svg` for all patterns
- `show` method for all patterns (opens browser tab)
- Functions returning list (or other data structures) made into generators when possible
- `BivincularPatt`, `VincularPatt`, `CovincularPatt` patterns,
- `dihedral_group` generator added to `permutils`
- `from_string` method to `Basis` and `Av`. It accepts both 0 and 1 based perms
seperated by anything
- Check if polynomial added to `cli`, which can be used with the `poly` command
- Bisc's resource files now included with pypi package
- Type and condition checking and Exception throwing changed to assertions
- `Basis` moved to `permset` module
- `gen_meshpatt` moved to meshpatt as `of_length` generator
- Client now uses `Basis.from_string` to parse basis
- Permsets and their interfaces
- Unused algorithms and utils
- Symmetric interfaces
- All rotate function other than `rotate`
- `descriptors` module
- sympy dependency