
Latest version: v0.6.0

Safety actively analyzes 715081 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

Page 1 of 2



* build: update dockerfile for new dir structure ([`0f1e8c0`](


* ci: fix integration tests with new path (200)

Auto-created ([`b734f9e`](

* ci: run docker publish independently of integration test ([`d1402c6`](

* ci: run type checks on application script as well ([`849c0f5`](

* ci: setup multiplatform conditions (192) ([`5120b18`](

* ci: add arm64 to deploy ([`a6fb2c5`](

* ci: update docker build action ([`6724cd4`](


* feat: move cli to separate file ([`f91216b`](


* fix: do not mount input dir on remote (201)

Auto-created ([`83cedae`](

* fix: add mounts points for devcontainer ([`c2497ee`](


* refactor: rename pipeline to not hit test ([`1b5cbf2`](


* misc. ([`b81c54a`](

* misc. ([`cb6d386`](

* misc. ([`c877343`](

* misc. ([`47a1c58`](

* misc. ([`cc03bcb`](

* misc. ([`9e5f776`](

* dev: mount shared dir for ankicard generation ([`f872ed0`](

* dev: remove unneeded install in dockerfile ([`ed6f51c`](

* dev: update cruft (191)

Auto-created ([`e6fd14d`](

* Merge pull request 190 from MartinBernstorff/mbern_dependent-flamingo

ci: add arm64 to deploy ([`f2529bc`](

* Update ([`6ec8a1a`](

* Merge pull request 177 from MartinBernstorff/mb/fix_deploy

ci: update docker build action ([`a11a7c2`](

* Update ([`0a0b577`](

* Update ([`b8e5041`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; into mb/fix_deploy ([`9e27591`](



* fix: docker deploy should be lowercase ([`56d0517`](


* Merge pull request 176 from MartinBernstorff/mb/fix_deploy

fix: docker deploy should be lowercase ([`be9b35d`](

* Update ([`25c38cc`](



* ci: add docker deploy ([`a658f15`](

* ci: support multiline comment ([`273d2c9`](

* ci: remove unused section ([`79bb2d2`](

* ci: make integration test unique ([`85753df`](

* ci: build prod image as part of tests ([`b595956`](


* docs: update contribution ([`a804fc7`](

* docs: update readme ([`704ae21`](


* feat: add integration test ([`e0526b6`](

* feat: add prod docker image ([`ed5f350`](


* Merge pull request 175 from MartinBernstorff/add-prod-dockerfile

feat: add prod dockerfile ([`99a6795`](

* misc: type ignores ([`7e89279`](

* Update ([`37dafbc`](

* Update ([`5126fc0`](



* feat: add build command ([`d6cb133`](


* fix: duplicate version toml ([`8526eed`](


* Merge pull request 174 from MartinBernstorff/mb/critical-mockingbird

feat: add build command ([`94af2bf`](



* build: auto-fix formatting by default ([`16806cf`](

* build: update ([`cef2666`](

* build: typo ([`c3b4ed0`](

* build: more informative messaging when syncing ([`d351a16`](

* build: pull before push ([`027d426`](

* build: hide result from gh pr lsit ([`9c91fa1`](

* build: only open browser if PR does not exist ([`883ddca`](

* build: prettier messages ([`4c5d961`](

* build: hide output of branch_exists_on_remote ([`9bef312`](

* build: separate exist and does not exist flow ([`b044fe6`](

* build: remove task decorator from utils function ([`2e7a61d`](

* build: add timeout to pr list ([`d76f8d1`](

* build: fix quotation marks ([`d833bc5`](

* build: push branch to origin if doesn&39;t exist ([`2b07dd9`](

* build: push to PR if exists ([`137aa06`](

* build: ask for commit if uncommitted changes before PR ([`4b4f7d3`](

* build: complete migration to Invoke ([`4c77a87`](

* build: use all available cores ([`f9916e8`](

* build: add more emojis ([`bb858f9`](

* build: make tests only show minimal effect ([`65c3ddc`](

* build: run failed tests first ([`af11fcb`](

* build: missing backslash ([`0fa130e`](

* build: pre_commit before mypy ([`d2a5c40`](

* build: misc. ([`968cd47`](

* build: misc. ([`0d94a1d`](

* build: first makefile ([`e446e8b`](

* build: remove unused readme ([`7f00c19`](


* chore: cleanup repo ([`2f7c31f`](


* ci: update cruft ([`28c6125`](

* ci: run release after tests ([`345abc3`](

* ci: create hosts before push ([`6d38c59`](

* ci: update cruft ([`357ac0a`](

* ci: reenable release ([`6a81185`](

* ci: reenable release ([`1d2d20a`](

* ci: re-enable caching in tests ([`dee7316`](

* ci: move dependencies to correct subheading ([`fea7ee1`](

* ci: invalidate cache ([`4eb6aae`](

* ci: run tests ([`26473be`](

* ci: simplify ([`abae734`](

* ci: remove pull-request template ([`bfbe55d`](

* ci: use nimble-python ([`9da7e6c`](

* ci: create pr on web ([`654349a`](

* ci: send alert if script fails ([`25f88c2`](

* ci: add dockerignore ([`35f6ecf`](

* ci: align dockerfile devcontainer python with rest of project ([`fd0a59d`](

* ci: install pre-commit hooks on setup ([`61bfc12`](

* ci: optimise layers for deps ([`eea7e9b`](

* ci: install test deps in dev container ([`0a03465`](

* ci: do not automatically commit formatting changes ([`9073d12`](

* ci: update tasks ([`2837861`](

* ci: print branch name ([`3e3dbf2`](

* ci: update cruft ([`4e5a414`](

* ci: update paths ([`29cc8ce`](

* ci: remove unused PR ([`949e2e3`](

* ci: simplify call ([`c072a29`](

* ci: update tasks ([`687cdb8`](

* ci: broader ignore for venv ([`a5f534f`](

* ci: minimal test interface ([`0059b80`](

* ci: update cruft ([`bda3461`](

* ci: update cruft ([`169171c`](

* ci: disable release ([`a73a8d3`](

* ci: update cruft ([`382231d`](

* ci: remove poetry ([`a7c091d`](

* ci: update cruft ([`9a3c0fb`](

* ci: add mypy to pre-commit ([`9746c27`](


* docs: improve readme ([`b5a4ccc`](

* docs: update docs ([`d0b646d`](

* docs: clean up readme ([`bcf2480`](


* feat: bump ([`26ea9fb`](

* feat: use functionalpy ([`b7352f1`](

* feat: use functionalpy ([`72d106a`](

* feat: add docker image ([`2c0b7c6`](

* feat: pre-populate msic ([`73dcb46`](

* feat: add preferred extensions ([`388dce3`](

* feat: add dev_container ([`0e29b4d`](

* feat: dynamic user dir in debug main launch.json ([`0aa5d38`](

* feat: robustness to cards with errors ([`d340b50`](

* feat: add vscode setting sto tracking ([`147716e`](

* feat: use obsidian uris ([`e107087`](

* feat: support dash in links ([`add5191`](

* feat: restrict polling time ([`00f163e`](

* feat: improve dir parsing speed ([`e17dea6`](

* feat: update guid for qa ([`f88d7ad`](

* feat: add guid test for qa ankinotes ([`dfdf04c`](

* feat: add Obsidian URI to AnkiCards ([`b04f44b`](

* feat: sync deletions ([`14c24e2`](

* feat: delete cards on sync ([`cfd82c9`](

* feat: add support for markdown link aliases ([`add7e2a`](

* feat: add tts ([`5eaf984`](

* feat: attempt tts addition ([`3ccb493`](

* feat: decrease length of note id ([`6075894`](


* fix: correctly sync dirs in bind mounts ([`3e269ee`](

* fix: add field to attribute, not property ([`274370f`](

* fix: re-add required import ([`3d0d51d`](

* fix: infinite loop ([`ce7470a`](

* fix: pin invoke to version 2.1.0 ([`a5c56b9`](

* fix: incorrect type hints from misaka ([`6988e7a`](

* fix: remove rej ([`152f124`](

* fix: typo ([`e687c3e`](

* fix: overlapping commands ([`dd66cc1`](

* fix: do not point to non-existing license ([`5197292`](

* fix: shrink matching ([`5dc43d7`](

* fix: remove da references ([`1b32634`](


* refactor: major rewrite of input pipeline ([`88793cd`](

* refactor: split ankicard into AnkiQA and AnkiCloze ([`824660c`](

* refactor: specify anki packagegenerator ([`8b52a42`](

* refactor: extract url generation ([`b740700`](

* refactor: modularise ([`5eba16c`](

* refactor: split cards_to_decks ([`fa183f0`](

* refactor: renaming ([`61baacc`](

* refactor: split git sync and github pr handling ([`981d105`](

* refactor: remove unused arguments from config ([`c27068b`](

* refactor: remove support for QA DK card ([`125c725`](


* style: Auto-fixes from pre-commit ([`45d16ee`](

* style: Auto-fixes from pre-commit ([`8c79758`](

* style: lint ([`1998401`](

* style: linting ([`2db1686`](

* style: linting ([`98f0a06`](

* style: linting ([`521cf42`](

* style: linting ([`1b59dcc`](

* style: remove unused type: ignore ([`0fb4b28`](

* style: linting ([`6198058`](

* style: linting ([`17c3163`](


* Merge pull request 173 from MartinBernstorff/mb/critical-mockingbird

ci: update cruft ([`ebcef8c`](

* major: bump ([`2062688`](

* Merge pull request 172 from MartinBernstorff/mb/melted-gull

ci: run release after tests ([`51a0e48`](

* Merge pull request 170 from MartinBernstorff/mb/cultural-goldfish

ci: reenable release ([`ac0e0c1`](

* misc. ([`255e288`](

* Merge pull request 169 from MartinBernstorff/mb/external-landfowl

ci: re-enable caching in tests ([`5751833`](

* Merge pull request 168 from MartinBernstorff/mb/necessary-swallow

ci: use nimble-python ([`65a46f4`](

* cruft updates ([`6d496b5`](

* misc. ([`7e97a06`](

* misc. ([`e512c5b`](

* types: ignore unknown types ([`40cc8e6`](

* misc. ([`01ec648`](

* format: line length ([`249592b`](

* ruff: format ([`804b6b8`](

* format: remove unused imports ([`082ea88`](

* cleanup ([`413edea`](

* Merge pull request 165 from MartinBernstorff/mb/fix_bind_mounts

fix: bind mounts ([`3217d85`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; into mb/fix_bind_mounts ([`3d6fded`](

* misc. ([`f91f319`](

* Merge pull request 163 from MartinBernstorff/mb/debug_no_such_file_or_directory

fix: correct bind mounts ([`7984cd2`](

* misc. ([`0773a19`](

* Merge pull request 159 from MartinBernstorff/2

v2 ([`ff5fd40`](

* v2 ([`58bbcae`](

* Merge pull request 157 from MartinBernstorff/MartinBernstorff-patch-2

Update ([`f843f48`](

* Update ([`96eaa92`](

* Merge pull request 156 from MartinBernstorff/mb/create_prod_docker_image

create prod docker image ([`ab2e688`](

* misc. ([`d013219`](

* misc. ([`38d7eb9`](

* misc. ([`4e79feb`](

* misc. ([`70b63e9`](

* remove dev container json to enable local mounts ([`8dd1c66`](

* git: ignore input mount ([`967a745`](

* dev: do not add mount by default ([`670cef6`](

* misc. ([`2aa9395`](

* remove unused docopt and centralise globals ([`8668bdd`](

* misc. ([`939b1d9`](

* Merge pull request 150 from MartinBernstorff/mb/simplify_deps

simplify deps ([`c888a4c`](

* deps: pytest-sugar version ([`0a05976`](

* pytest-xdist deps ([`580bdcd`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; into mb/simplify_deps ([`979b421`](

* simplify deps ([`35c70d7`](

* Merge pull request 148 from MartinBernstorff/mb/add_monitoring

add monitoring ([`e0ad96f`](

* correct sentry version ([`fa14c24`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; into mb/add_monitoring ([`f6a584a`](

* Merge pull request 149 from MartinBernstorff/mb/migrate_ci_to_use_dev_container

misc. ([`19255eb`](

* Benchmark with prebuilt image ([`f2d3e80`](

* rename validation job ([`3dfefa5`](

* another typo ([`6d332b8`](

* fix type in dev container image spec ([`5d83095`](

* simplify ci ([`12ab185`](

* add gh cli to devcontainer.json ([`9ed6b15`](

* python3 .10 ([`c780ae4`](

* dev: simplify dev container ([`8b90fb1`](

* misc. ([`8778915`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;origin/main&39; into mb/add_monitoring ([`748d415`](

* dev: push changes on succesful tests ([`55c2589`](

* types: fix ([`18dfb85`](

* dev: add type-checks to make ([`228e951`](

* dev: add makefile tools ([`b52e2a8`](

* dev: add makefile ([`0a8f043`](

* add black as provider ([`34aa978`](

* add sentry monitoring ([`ea59872`](

* Merge pull request 147 from MartinBernstorff/mb/feat_add_shell_script_logging

add shell script logging ([`fcaca78`](

* add shell script logging ([`fa7fb28`](

* Merge pull request 146 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pyright-1.1.330.post0

deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.329 to 1.1.330.post0 ([`09e7a26`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.329 to 1.1.330.post0

Bumps [pyright]( from 1.1.329 to 1.1.330.post0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pyright
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`5cdeb83`](

* Merge pull request 139 from MartinBernstorff/mb/feat_add_devcontainer

ci: add devcontainer ([`9d0635f`](

* container: ensure lazygit does not show pop-up every time ([`ad0f51d`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; into mb/feat_add_devcontainer ([`98a8763`](

* misc. ([`37f3d8b`](

* misc. ([`b3eb9eb`](

* Merge pull request 140 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pyright-1.1.329

deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.327 to 1.1.329 ([`c77656f`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.327 to 1.1.329

Bumps [pyright]( from 1.1.327 to 1.1.329.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pyright
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`a48366e`](

* cleanup ([`156cc84`](

* Merge pull request 138 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pyright-1.1.327

deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.326 to 1.1.327 ([`9f4be02`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.326 to 1.1.327

Bumps [pyright]( from 1.1.326 to 1.1.327.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pyright
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`ac56d47`](

* Merge pull request 137 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pyright-1.1.326

deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.325 to 1.1.326 ([`494de01`](

* Merge pull request 136 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/furo-gte-2022.12.7-and-lt-2023.9.11

deps:(deps-dev): update furo requirement from <2023.8.20,>=2022.12.7 to >=2022.12.7,<2023.9.11 ([`faa8888`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.325 to 1.1.326

Bumps [pyright]( from 1.1.325 to 1.1.326.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pyright
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`78fcd9d`](

* deps:(deps-dev): update furo requirement

Updates the requirements on [furo]( to permit the latest version.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: furo
dependency-type: direct:production

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`cdf0bcf`](

* Merge pull request 132 from MartinBernstorff/mb/rewrite_entrypoint

refactor: rewrite entrypoint ([`8e68c36`](

* deps: pin invoke version ([`02b1549`](

* deps: pin invoke ([`a1d6339`](

* formatting ([`0ff68d0`](

* Merge pull request 135 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pyright-1.1.325

deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.324 to 1.1.325 ([`36587bf`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.324 to 1.1.325

Bumps [pyright]( from 1.1.324 to 1.1.325.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pyright
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`8e92745`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; into mb/rewrite_entrypoint ([`b857f27`](

* Merge pull request 131 from MartinBernstorff/mb/debug

feat: dynamic user dir in debug main launch.json ([`68a68f2`](

* Merge pull request 134 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/invoke-2.2.0

deps:(deps-dev): bump invoke from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 ([`ed9446a`](

* Merge pull request 133 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pyright-1.1.324

deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.323 to 1.1.324 ([`8eea198`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump invoke from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0

Bumps [invoke]( from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0.
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: invoke
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`08026a6`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.323 to 1.1.324

Bumps [pyright]( from 1.1.323 to 1.1.324.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pyright
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`d567ab5`](

* misc. ([`1df62e9`](

* auto-style ([`cf4bf99`](

* Merge pull request 130 from MartinBernstorff/mb/debug

Mb/debug ([`9946429`](

* deps: lock invoke version ([`7cdbca5`](

* Merge pull request 127 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/sphinx-gte-5.3.0-and-lt-7.3.0

deps:(deps-dev): update sphinx requirement from <7.2.0,>=5.3.0 to >=5.3.0,<7.3.0 ([`45ba02e`](

* deps:(deps-dev): update sphinx requirement

Updates the requirements on [sphinx]( to permit the latest version.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: sphinx
dependency-type: direct:production

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`53731c9`](

* Merge pull request 129 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pyright-1.1.323

deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.322 to 1.1.323 ([`56b57c0`](

* Merge pull request 128 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/furo-gte-2022.12.7-and-lt-2023.8.20

deps:(deps-dev): update furo requirement from <2023.7.27,>=2022.12.7 to >=2022.12.7,<2023.8.20 ([`784838d`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.322 to 1.1.323

Bumps [pyright]( from 1.1.322 to 1.1.323.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pyright
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`e8019f9`](

* deps:(deps-dev): update furo requirement

Updates the requirements on [furo]( to permit the latest version.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: furo
dependency-type: direct:production

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`afe01a6`](

* Merge pull request 126 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pyright-1.1.322

deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.320 to 1.1.322 ([`4e66ebd`](

* Merge pull request 125 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/invoke-2.2.0

deps:(deps-dev): bump invoke from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 ([`69de660`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.320 to 1.1.322

Bumps [pyright]( from 1.1.320 to 1.1.322.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pyright
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`a38d24f`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump invoke from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0

Bumps [invoke]( from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0.
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: invoke
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`e4da95d`](

* Merge pull request 124 from MartinBernstorff/MartinBernstorff-patch-2

Update ([`4b6f694`](

* Update ([`f1327d8`](

* Merge pull request 123 from MartinBernstorff/mb/split_ankicard_into_two

mb/split ankicard into two ([`db3c8f4`](

* Merge pull request 122 from MartinBernstorff/MartinBernstorff-patch-3

Update ([`496263e`](

* Merge pull request 121 from MartinBernstorff/MartinBernstorff-patch-2

Update ([`68e1495`](

* style ([`9f17cea`](

* Update ([`5551251`](

* Update ([`8d8835f`](

* Merge pull request 120 from MartinBernstorff/mb/update_readme

docs: improve readme ([`05b88c8`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; into mb/update_readme ([`69aa28f`](

* Merge pull request 119 from MartinBernstorff/mb/rename

refactor: specify anki packagegenerator ([`a1a3ac8`](

* Merge pull request 118 from MartinBernstorff/mb/further_decompose_ankicard

mb/further decompose ankicard ([`546ab2f`](

* missing import ([`008dce0`](

* Merge pull request 117 from MartinBernstorff/mb/refactor_object

mb/refactor object ([`b272769`](

* --a ([`94f58d6`](

* misc. ([`08ae3f7`](

* refactor ([`e6a609b`](

* use any venv ([`2d37c65`](

* Merge pull request 116 from MartinBernstorff/mb/add_line_numbers

Mb/add line numbers ([`e165d33`](

* fix off-by-one error on line numbers ([`3df1d53`](

* update anki_card url with line number ([`225e6a5`](

* add line numbers to qa prompts ([`f086157`](

* Merge pull request 115 from MartinBernstorff/mb/add_visualisation_to_readme

add visualisation to readme ([`66f1f26`](

* add visualisation to readme ([`f8541e8`](

* Merge pull request 114 from MartinBernstorff/mb/move_to_obsidian

feat: use obsidian uris ([`2162d85`](

* Merge pull request 113 from MartinBernstorff/mb/feat_support_dash_in_link

Mb/feat support dash in link ([`f85f93f`](

* Merge pull request 111 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pyright-1.1.320

deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.318 to 1.1.320 ([`03ecf58`](

* Merge pull request 112 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/invoke-2.2.0

deps:(deps-dev): bump invoke from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 ([`7a72969`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump invoke from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0

Bumps [invoke]( from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0.
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: invoke
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`a324e65`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.318 to 1.1.320

Bumps [pyright]( from 1.1.318 to 1.1.320.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pyright
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`3dd0320`](

* Merge pull request 110 from MartinBernstorff/mb/fix_alias_parsing_with_parens

Mb/fix alias parsing with parens ([`5179086`](

* cleanup ([`30bc8e9`](

* Merge pull request 108 from MartinBernstorff/feat-restrict-anki-polling-time
Feat restrict anki polling time

- [ ] I have considered whether this PR needs review, and requested a review if necessary.

Fixes issue

Notes for reviewers
Reviewers can skip X, but should pay attention to Y.

<!-- {BearID:a96da1b7c406e5e2a5d1b5cd5401d005} --> ([`b01cbae`](

* Merge pull request 108 from MartinBernstorff/feat-restrict-anki-polling-time

Feat restrict anki polling time ([`37962a8`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; of ([`65f1470`](

* Merge pull request 107 from MartinBernstorff/mb/improve_dir_parsing_speed

feat: improve dir parsing speed ([`98e24b4`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;origin/mb/improve_dir_parsing_speed&39; ([`7bf1690`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; into mb/improve_dir_parsing_speed ([`995be12`](

* Merge pull request 106 from MartinBernstorff/mb/skip_medicine

feat: skip medicine deck ([`979f742`](

* --a ([`5048d91`](

* --a ([`b969bf8`](

* --a ([`ca74f43`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;origin/main&39; into mb/skip_medicine ([`bf8ab51`](

* skip medicine deck ([`edf376c`](

* Merge pull request 105 from MartinBernstorff/mb/only_sync_if_modified_in_ded

feat: only sync if notes modified ([`467ec7a`](

* fix type hints ([`c73fb22`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; into mb/only_sync_if_modified_in_ded ([`44ca1ab`](

* only sync if notes modified ([`ef450b0`](

* Merge pull request 104 from MartinBernstorff/feat_continous_polling

continuous polling ([`b83652d`](

* continuous polling ([`d33b781`](

* Merge pull request 103 from MartinBernstorff/mb/fix_guid_addition

fix: guid on QA cards ([`8b275f1`](

* deps: pin invoke to 2.1.0 to avoid errors as values ([`ce274c2`](

* --a ([`85fb429`](

* Merge pull request 101 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/furo-gte-2022.12.7-and-lt-2023.7.27

deps:(deps-dev): update furo requirement from <2023.5.21,>=2022.12.7 to >=2022.12.7,<2023.7.27 ([`a73899e`](

* deps:(deps-dev): update furo requirement

Updates the requirements on [furo]( to permit the latest version.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: furo
dependency-type: direct:production

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`5a48d69`](

* Merge pull request 102 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/sphinx-design-gte-0.3.0-and-lt-0.5.1

deps:(deps-dev): update sphinx-design requirement from <0.3.1,>=0.3.0 to >=0.3.0,<0.5.1 ([`8b0005a`](

* Merge pull request 100 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/sphinx-gte-5.3.0-and-lt-7.2.0

deps:(deps-dev): update sphinx requirement from <7.1.0,>=5.3.0 to >=5.3.0,<7.2.0 ([`9dbeda4`](

* deps:(deps-dev): update sphinx-design requirement

Updates the requirements on [sphinx-design]( to permit the latest version.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: sphinx-design
dependency-type: direct:production

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`949014a`](

* deps:(deps-dev): update sphinx requirement

Updates the requirements on [sphinx]( to permit the latest version.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: sphinx
dependency-type: direct:production

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`c22a7db`](

* Merge pull request 99 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pyright-1.1.318

deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.317 to 1.1.318 ([`94e1bc7`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.317 to 1.1.318

Bumps [pyright]( from 1.1.317 to 1.1.318.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pyright
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`59b7374`](

* Merge pull request 98 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pyright-1.1.317

deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.316 to 1.1.317 ([`87c4e00`](

* Merge pull request 97 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/invoke-2.2.0

deps:(deps-dev): bump invoke from 2.1.3 to 2.2.0 ([`1321c31`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.316 to 1.1.317

Bumps [pyright]( from 1.1.316 to 1.1.317.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pyright
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`9899673`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump invoke from 2.1.3 to 2.2.0

Bumps [invoke]( from 2.1.3 to 2.2.0.
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: invoke
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`22bd718`](

* Merge pull request 96 from MartinBernstorff/mb/sync_deletion

Mb/sync deletion ([`48ae41e`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; into mb/sync_deletion ([`1b230ae`](

* styling ([`a2e553e`](

* Merge pull request 95 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pyright-1.1.316

deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.314 to 1.1.316 ([`e854fe6`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.314 to 1.1.316

Bumps [pyright]( from 1.1.314 to 1.1.316.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pyright
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`d6e375c`](

* Merge pull request 94 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/invoke-2.1.3

deps:(deps-dev): bump invoke from 2.1.2 to 2.1.3 ([`ddf971c`](

* Merge pull request 93 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pyright-1.1.314

deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.313 to 1.1.314 ([`7af94ff`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump invoke from 2.1.2 to 2.1.3

Bumps [invoke]( from 2.1.2 to 2.1.3.
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: invoke
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`8fbac68`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.313 to 1.1.314

Bumps [pyright]( from 1.1.313 to 1.1.314.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pyright
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`ae99f7d`](

* Merge pull request 92 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/invoke-2.1.2

deps:(deps-dev): bump invoke from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2 ([`1ba428f`](

* Merge pull request 91 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pyright-1.1.313

deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.305 to 1.1.313 ([`ddbbd06`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump invoke from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2

Bumps [invoke]( from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2.
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: invoke
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`8e1a14f`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.305 to 1.1.313

Bumps [pyright]( from 1.1.305 to 1.1.313.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pyright
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`2127536`](

* Merge pull request 90 from MartinBernstorff/MartinBernstorff-patch-2

Update ([`010e6f9`](

* Update ([`c5f37a1`](

* --a ([`7e7eda7`](

* --a ([`8702130`](

* Merge pull request 89 from MartinBernstorff/MartinBernstorff-patch-2

Update ([`743a946`](

* Update ([`2747360`](

* Merge pull request 88 from MartinBernstorff/mb/sync_deletion

feat: sync deletion ([`98c07f2`](

* misc. ([`47e63d4`](

* misc. ([`ee622e5`](

* misc. ([`0c0134d`](

* misc. ([`bba22a7`](

* misc. ([`d8ab4ef`](

* --a ([`d2b59da`](

* misc. ([`bcf0169`](

* merge ([`18bddc6`](

* tests: fix tests ([`12cbe19`](

* --a ([`8630858`](

* tests: adapt to new card_uuid property ([`fe72a2e`](

* misc. ([`bdb9009`](

* misc. ([`7eea28c`](

* misc ([`64f1822`](

* Merge pull request 87 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/ruff-0.0.270

deps:(deps-dev): bump ruff from 0.0.269 to 0.0.270 ([`e1c22e1`](

* Merge pull request 85 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/types-pyyaml-

deps:(deps-dev): bump types-pyyaml from 6.0 to ([`3f4c223`](

* Merge pull request 86 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pytest-cov-gte-3.0.0-and-lt-4.2.0

deps:(deps-dev): update pytest-cov requirement from <4.1.0,>=3.0.0 to >=3.0.0,<4.2.0 ([`6ecbf67`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump ruff from 0.0.269 to 0.0.270

Bumps [ruff]( from 0.0.269 to 0.0.270.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: ruff
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`569694f`](

* deps:(deps-dev): update pytest-cov requirement

Updates the requirements on [pytest-cov]( to permit the latest version.
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pytest-cov
dependency-type: direct:production

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`01f4cb2`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump types-pyyaml from 6.0 to

Bumps [types-pyyaml]( from 6.0 to
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: types-pyyaml
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`1762e04`](

* Merge pull request 83 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/ruff-0.0.269

deps:(deps-dev): bump ruff from 0.0.267 to 0.0.269 ([`fcb632d`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump ruff from 0.0.267 to 0.0.269

Bumps [ruff]( from 0.0.267 to 0.0.269.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: ruff
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`a6dcd82`](

* Merge pull request 84 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/furo-gte-2022.12.7-and-lt-2023.5.21

deps:(deps-dev): update furo requirement from <2022.12.8,>=2022.12.7 to >=2022.12.7,<2023.5.21 ([`229fdf4`](

* Merge pull request 82 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pre-commit-3.3.2

deps:(deps-dev): bump pre-commit from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 ([`ae02f4b`](

* deps:(deps-dev): update furo requirement

Updates the requirements on [furo]( to permit the latest version.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: furo
dependency-type: direct:production

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`d18cfcc`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump pre-commit from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2

Bumps [pre-commit]( from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pre-commit
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`b2b7667`](

* Merge pull request 81 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/ruff-0.0.267

deps:(deps-dev): bump ruff from 0.0.265 to 0.0.267 ([`afb40bb`](

* Merge pull request 80 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pytest-xdist-gte-3.0.0-and-lt-3.4.0

deps:(deps-dev): update pytest-xdist requirement from <3.3.0,>=3.0.0 to >=3.0.0,<3.4.0 ([`6beebe3`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump ruff from 0.0.265 to 0.0.267

Bumps [ruff]( from 0.0.265 to 0.0.267.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: ruff
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`d193516`](

* deps:(deps-dev): update pytest-xdist requirement

Updates the requirements on [pytest-xdist]( to permit the latest version.
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pytest-xdist
dependency-type: direct:production

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`50baf05`](

* Merge pull request 79 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/ruff-0.0.265

deps:(deps-dev): bump ruff from 0.0.262 to 0.0.265 ([`d0b078f`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump ruff from 0.0.262 to 0.0.265

Bumps [ruff]( from 0.0.262 to 0.0.265.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: ruff
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`6a863cb`](

* Merge pull request 78 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pre-commit-3.3.1

deps:(deps-dev): bump pre-commit from 3.1.1 to 3.3.1 ([`db30bbc`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump pre-commit from 3.1.1 to 3.3.1

Bumps [pre-commit]( from 3.1.1 to 3.3.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pre-commit
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`59b49a3`](

* Merge pull request 76 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/sphinx-gte-5.3.0-and-lt-7.1.0

deps:(deps-dev): update sphinx requirement from <6.3.0,>=5.3.0 to >=5.3.0,<7.1.0 ([`43913e3`](

* deps:(deps-dev): update sphinx requirement

Updates the requirements on [sphinx]( to permit the latest version.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: sphinx
dependency-type: direct:production

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`9ff3ba1`](

* Merge pull request 75 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/ruff-0.0.262

deps:(deps-dev): bump ruff from 0.0.257 to 0.0.262 ([`c797266`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump ruff from 0.0.257 to 0.0.262

Bumps [ruff]( from 0.0.257 to 0.0.262.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: ruff
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`0f7f6b2`](

* Merge pull request 74 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/black-jupyter--23.3.0

deps:(deps-dev): bump black[jupyter] from 23.1.0 to 23.3.0 ([`7304b03`](

* Merge pull request 73 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/sphinx-gte-5.3.0-and-lt-6.3.0

deps:(deps-dev): update sphinx requirement from <6.2.0,>=5.3.0 to >=5.3.0,<6.3.0 ([`94852e9`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump black[jupyter] from 23.1.0 to 23.3.0

Bumps [black[jupyter]]( from 23.1.0 to 23.3.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: black[jupyter]
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`04c566c`](

* deps:(deps-dev): update sphinx requirement

Updates the requirements on [sphinx]( to permit the latest version.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: sphinx
dependency-type: direct:production

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`6ba0468`](

* Merge pull request 70 from MartinBernstorff/mb/update_cruft

build: update cruft ([`011d1ea`](

* Merge pull request 65 from MartinBernstorff/mb/update_paths

ci: update paths ([`bd1b6f5`](

* Merge pull request 55 from MartinBernstorff/martbern/try_makefile

build: migrate to Invoke ([`3b0fcc1`](

* Merge branch &39;martbern/try_makefile&39; of into martbern/try_makefile ([`3cb3529`](

* Delete ([`60aa58d`](

* misc. ([`34231f2`](

* tests: fix failing ([`1dee619`](

* misc. ([`04038f0`](

* misc. ([`54776e6`](

* bulid: misc ([`bd2f26e`](

* misc. changes ([`f4a0d81`](

* Merge pull request 49 from MartinBernstorff/martbern/update_cruft_2

Martbern/update cruft 2 ([`8cf73d8`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump ruff from 0.0.254 to 0.0.257

Bumps [ruff]( from 0.0.254 to 0.0.257.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: ruff
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`215672b`](

* Merge pull request 45 from MartinBernstorff/feat_support_markdown_link_alias

feat: support markdown link alias ([`4213e04`](

* Merge pull request 44 from MartinBernstorff/martbern/add_english_tts_to_qa

feat: add english tts to qa ([`e0eb897`](

* dev: add pytypes yaml ([`a963f82`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; into martbern/add_english_tts_to_qa ([`2538285`](

* Merge pull request 42 from MartinBernstorff/update-cruft

update cruft ([`0c9e6c9`](

* Merge pull request 41 from MartinBernstorff/martbern/ci_disable_release

ci: disable release ([`4771735`](

* Merge pull request 39 from MartinBernstorff/martbern/update_docs

docs: update docs ([`731dfea`](

* Merge pull request 40 from MartinBernstorff/update-cruft

update cruft ([`05cea4b`](

* Merge pull request 34 from MartinBernstorff/martbern/update_cruft

ci: update cruft ([`13b4529`](

* Merge pull request 33 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/sphinxext-opengraph-gte-0.7.3-and-lt-0.8.2

deps:(deps-dev): update sphinxext-opengraph requirement from <0.7.4,>=0.7.3 to >=0.7.3,<0.8.2 ([`3fc23fe`](

* deps:(deps-dev): update sphinxext-opengraph requirement

Updates the requirements on [sphinxext-opengraph]( to permit the latest version.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: sphinxext-opengraph
dependency-type: direct:production

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`f79ce05`](

* Merge pull request 32 from MartinBernstorff/martbern/decrease-length-of-note-id-hash

feat: decrease length of note id ([`87a3f7a`](



* ci: update cruft ([`89b9e86`](

* ci: ignore bearimages ([`32bf9e4`](


* feat: exclude q. and a. fields from cloze prompts ([`5b2d6cd`](


* Merge pull request 31 from MartinBernstorff/martbern/rewrite

Martbern/rewrite ([`285260a`](

* Merge pull request 27 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pytest-cov-gte-3.0.0-and-lt-4.1.0

deps:(deps-dev): update pytest-cov requirement from <3.1.0,>=3.0.0 to >=3.0.0,<4.1.0 ([`8fa46d1`](

* deps:(deps-dev): update pytest-cov requirement

Updates the requirements on [pytest-cov]( to permit the latest version.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pytest-cov
dependency-type: direct:production

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`c1ec617`](

* Merge pull request 30 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/black-23.1.0

deps:(deps-dev): bump black from 22.8.0 to 23.1.0 ([`37348e7`](

* Merge pull request 29 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pre-commit-eq-3.1.1

deps:(deps-dev): update pre-commit requirement from <2.21.0,==2.20.0 to ==3.1.1 ([`11ef695`](

* deps:(deps-dev): bump black from 22.8.0 to 23.1.0

Bumps [black]( from 22.8.0 to 23.1.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: black
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-major

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`fa845b5`](

* Merge pull request 28 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/sphinx-gte-5.3.0-and-lt-6.2.0

deps:(deps-dev): update sphinx requirement from <5.4.0,>=5.3.0 to >=5.3.0,<6.2.0 ([`42fd015`](

* deps:(deps-dev): update pre-commit requirement

Updates the requirements on [pre-commit]( to permit the latest version.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pre-commit
dependency-type: direct:production

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`2dbe94e`](

* deps:(deps-dev): update sphinx requirement

Updates the requirements on [sphinx]( to permit the latest version.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: sphinx
dependency-type: direct:production

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`0ae2bc5`](

* Merge pull request 26 from MartinBernstorff/dependabot/pip/pytest-xdist-gte-3.0.0-and-lt-3.3.0

deps:(deps-dev): update pytest-xdist requirement from <3.2.0,>=3.0.0 to >=3.0.0,<3.3.0 ([`694732d`](

* deps:(deps-dev): update pytest-xdist requirement

Updates the requirements on [pytest-xdist]( to permit the latest version.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: pytest-xdist
dependency-type: direct:production

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> ([`9ee8c1e`](

Page 1 of 2



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