* Add `event_handler` decorator * Add missing new features to public api. * Add new exception information (to help) when get instance of not initialized `Petisco`.
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* Replace depecrated set-env in Github action (117) * Update exception management on `petisco_sql_database` fixture
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* New testing strategy: * End2end test to check how it works all the features on a real petisco 🍪 application * Testing refactoring to give more semantic to folders * New Event Driven related functionalities to improve event management * New `EventBus` * New RabbitMQ configurer and consumer * Declare subscribers with `petisco.events.yml`
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- Add missing package pymongo to wheel
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- Add missing classes related to pymongo to public api
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- Use a marker to provide persistence source name when using petisco_sql_database fixture. If not provided defaults to "petisco"
- Change healthcheck behavior to take into account multiple persistence sources. For the moment only do a healtcheck for SQL sources