petname (1.0-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium
* === added directory usr, === added directory usr/bin, === added
directory usr/lib, === added directory usr/lib/petname,
adjectives.txt => usr/lib/petname/adjectives.txt, adverbs.txt =>
usr/lib/petname/adverbs.txt, cmd/petname/main.go, debian/control,
debian/golang-petname-dev.install, debian/petname.install,
debian/python-petname.install, debian/rules,, Makefile,
names.txt => usr/lib/petname/names.txt, petname.go,,
petname/, petname/, petname_test.go, ===
removed directory cmd, === removed directory cmd/petname, ===
removed directory petname, === removed directory src, === removed
directory src/, === removed directory
src/, === removed symlink
src/,, === target was
u../../../,, usr/bin/petname:
- initial repackaging
* usr/bin/petname:
- sh is fine, not using bash
* usr/lib/petname/adverbs.txt, usr/lib/petname/names.txt:
- fix up a few words
* debian/rules, LICENSE:
- add a license, and a test for the word lists
* === added directory usr/share, === added directory usr/share/man,
=== added directory usr/share/man/man1,
- add a manpage, update the README
- update readme, add code examples
* usr/lib/petname/adjectives.txt, usr/lib/petname/names.txt:
- fix sorting, add a few words and names
-- Dustin Kirkland <email address hidden> Tue, 16 Dec 2014 12:33:49 -0600