- Add support for creating and manipulating bar, column, line, and pie charts
- Major refactoring of XML layer (oxml)
- Rationalized graphical object shape access
**Note backward incompatibilities below**
A table is no longer treated as a shape. Rather it is a graphical object
contained in a GraphicFrame shape, as are Chart and SmartArt objects.
table = shapes.add_table(...)
graphic_frame = shapes.add_table(...)
table = graphic_frame.table
table = shapes.add_table(...).table
As the enclosing shape, the id, name, shape type, position, and size are
attributes of the enclosing GraphicFrame object.
The contents of a GraphicFrame shape can be identified using three available
properties on a shape: has_table, has_chart, and has_smart_art. The enclosed
graphical object is obtained using the properties GraphicFrame.table and
GraphicFrame.chart. SmartArt is not yet supported. Accessing one of these
properties on a GraphicFrame not containing the corresponding object raises
an exception.