
Latest version: v0.5.1

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*August 16th 2024*

**PetroFit Enhancements**

- Update installation requiements for use with `python 3.12`. 209

**General bug fixes and small changes**

- Update rtd to use `ubuntu-22.04`. 200
- `update_default_config` removed since `astropy` no longer needs it. 205
- Update rtd to Use `Python 3.11.8`. 206
- Update installation requiements for use with `python 3.12`. 209
- Remove `astropy_helpers` from requirements. 209


*August 28th 2023*

**PetroFit Enhancements**

- Allow users to choose fitters in `fit_model`. 187
- Introduce `TRFLSQFitter` as the default fitter. 187
- Enable `calc_uncertainties` for fitting. This allows users to get paramter errors on fits. 187
- Oversampled PSF in `PSFConvolvedModel2D`. 187
- Remove CircleCI and add GitHub CI workflow. 181
- A new option to address low signal-to-noise ratio issues when measuring `r_99` by allowing the use of `r_80`.
While `r_80` provides good estimates of `r_50` (`r_e`), it can sometimes result in an overestimation of `r_99`.
To ensure accuracy, correction grids can be utilized to estimate `r_99` from `r_80`. However, we maintain the
Petrosian measurement philosophy that correction grids should be reserved for high-precision measurements.
- Error estimates for all Petrosian Radii according to [Strauss et. al 2002]( Appendix A.3. #169
- Saving/reading profiles to/from file. 169
- Grid generation now has multi-processing support. 169
- `Moffat2D` and `EllipMoffat2D` Deprecated. 157
- `PSFModel` has been depreciated and replaced by `PSFConvolvedModel2D`. 156

**General bug fixes and small changes**

- Remove `DecisionTreeRegressor`. 192
- Change `sklearn` to `scikit-learn`. 174 by astro-nova
- Remove `kernel` key word from segmentation functions since PhotUtils no longer accepts them. 169
- `order_cat` moved to segmentation sub-module. 169
- `source_photometry` moved to segmentation sub-module. 169
- `make_radius_list` moved to utils sub-module. 169
- Refactor: `photometry.flux_to_abmag` -> `utils.hst_flux_to_abmag`. 169
- Refactor: Move `measure_fwhm` from `utils` to `modeling.fitting`. 169
- Depreciate `calculate_photometic_density`. 169
- Depreciate `object_photometry`, now its called `radial_photometry`. 169
- Depreciate `measure_fwhm`. 169
- Change the `bkg_sub` keywords to `bg_sub` to match PhotUtils. 158
- Recenter example PSF 159


*August 22nd 2022*

**PetroFit Enhancements**

- `CITATION.rst` added to provide citing and credit information. 130
- `segm_mask` can now take a list of labels which means it is possible to get multiple unmasked sources using `masked_segm_image` 143
- Limits of param bounds in `get_default_sersic_bounds` changed. 143
- `r_eff` min bound set to `1e-3`.
- `n` min bound set to `0.1`.
- `ellip` max bound set to `0.99`.
- Add `GenSersic2D` model, which is a Sersic model with generalized ellipse isophot (boxy) parameter. 145
- Implement `PetroApprox` which is a class with no-PSF polynomials which relate profile paramters such as C2080 and Sersic n. 146

**General bug fixes and small changes**

- Bug Fix: Example RMS image in docs was not the same size as the example data image. 114
- Bug Fix: Model attribute bug fix in `PSFConvolvedModel2D`. 145
- Print out PSF sum if it is not equal to 1. 145
- Bug Fix: Change `make_catalog` `kernel_size` parameter to odd number. 148


*March 26th 2022*

Upgrades to fitting sub-module, see below for details.

**PetroFit Enhancements**

- Removed outdated `petrofit.utils.cutout` function. 93
- `model_to_image` function upgraded to use `astropy.convolution.utils.discretize_model`. 95
- `PSFModel` has been upgraded to `PSFConvolvedModel2D`.`PSFConvolvedModel2D` uses `__init__` function to wrap models. `PSFModel` class has been deprecated and will be removed in `v0.5`. 100
- An `origin` parameter has been added to `petrofit.models.make_grid`. 100
- `` and `` have been moved into a new `modeling` folder. This allows for all modeling functions and classes to be imported as `from petrofit.modeling import ...`. 100
- `petrofit.modeling.fitting.fit_model` can now accept fitting weights, so users can pass fitting weights using rms or error images. 100
- `petrofit.modeling.fitting.plot_fit` now displays 3 panel image of fits (input image, model-image, and residual). 100


*March 8th 2022*

**PetroFit Enhancements**

- Removed kcorrect from Docker file. 77
- Added badges to `README.rst`.
- Implemented `get_amplitude_at_r` function that calculates the amplitude of an image at an isophotal radius. 81
- Removed outdated `fit_plane` function. 84
- Moved requirements from `environment.yml` to `requirements.txt`. Though both can be used to install PetroFit, `environment.yml` is recommended at this time. 72
- Upgraded circleci `resource_class` to `medium+`. 62

**General bug fixes and small changes**

- Cleaned up the docs, introduced a ``file. 77
- Add release procedure for developers. 70



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