1. PC estimator with original, stable, and parallel variants.
2. PDAG class to represent partially directed DAGs.
3. `pgmpy.utils.get_example_model` function to fetch models from bnlearn repository.
4. Refactor HillClimbSearch with a new feature to specify fixed edges in the model.
5. Adds a global `SHOW_PROGRESS` variable.
6. Adds Chow-Liu structure learning algorithm.
7. Add `pgmpy.utils.get_example_model` to fetch models from bnlearn's repository.
8. Adds `get_value` and `set_value` method to `DiscreteFactor` to get/set a single value.
9. Adds `get_acestral_graph` to `DAG`.
1. Refactors ConstraintBasedEstimators into PC with a lot of general improvements.
2. Improved (faster, new arguments) indepenedence tests with changes in argument.
3. Refactors `sample_discrete` method. Sampling algorithms much faster.
4. Refactors `HillClimbSearch` to be faster.
5. Sampling methods now return dataframe of type categorical.
1. `Data` class.