This release changes the way PhantomJS is invoked. Instead of running it directly, `phantomas.js` script uses node.js to spawn PhantomJS process. This allows locally installed PhantomJS to be used for running phantomas. Thanks shama for the idea and LaurentGoderre for implementing it.
Suggestions that phantomas generate should now be better structured, thanks to a feature ~~stolen from~~ inspired by [YSlow]( Read more about offenders in 140.
New features have been added, including:
- `phantomas.setMarkerMetric` allows you to measure times relative to `responseEnd` event (i.e. measured since the arrival of the last byte of HTML) - 119
- by passing `--screenshot` option you can generate a screenshot of fully loaded page that phantomas is run for - 125
- latency (i.e. time to first byte) related metrics - 134
- thanks to cphoover phantomas now supports persistent cookie jar - 149
And last, but not least. Phantomas has been described in [an article for Performance Calendar 2013](
New metrics
- 134 - Add latency related metrics
- 112 - Ability to run phantomas locally (by shama)
- 125 - Make a screenshot when the page is fully loaded
- 126 - Document how to set up site performance monitoring using phantomas and tap-eater
- 128 - Allow asserts to be provided via command-line options
- 149 - Adding support for persistant cookies via cookie jar argument. (by cphoover)
- 151 - Modified to use the local phantomjs instead of the global one. (by LaurentGoderre)
Bug fixes
- 129 - phantomas should die with an error code when the page timeouts
- 131 - Target URL should be reported when a redirect is received
- 147 - package.json: specifying devDependencies as array is deprecated
- 156 - phantomas.getDOMPath throws 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'node.className.trim())
- 119 - Add phantomas.setMarkerMetric
- 140 - Introduce "offenders" framework
_[Fantômas se déchaîne](