* fixes bug in assigning parameter tags when passing function (as kind) to add_component or add_figure.
* fixes silently ignoring component (while calculating residuals, chi2, etc) in an RV dataset in which times are provided, but observational RVs are not. * improves error messages in calculate_residuals when resulting in no or more than one matches.
* fixes plotting RVs when compute_times is provided instead of times. Previously would raise an error that the 'rvs' parameter could not be found as it is hidden in the dataset.
* fixes handling of default sigmas within LC estimators when no sigmas are provided in the dataset.
* fixes handling of `custom_lnprobability_callable` when passed to `run_solver`. Previously an error was raised stating it was not a supported keyword argument and was not passed to the script correctly during `export_solver`.
* fixes bug in increment size in progressbar for optimizers that appears to go past 100% before completion * when running a forward model sampling from a distribution (or a solution), only allow 10 failed samples per draw before raising an error to prevent getting stuck in an infinite loop if the parameter space is unphysical * add_compute(overwrite=True) now allows the existing tag to already exist in solutions (in addition to models)