
Latest version: v3.3.0

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* **bugfixes**

* Fixed installation from source (bug introduced in 2.2.1, see issue [52](

* Fixed a bug when trying to restore punctuation on an empty text (see issue [54](

* Fixed an edge case bug when using custom punctuation marks (see issue [55](

* Fixed regex issue that causes digits to be considered punctuation (see issue [60](


* **improvements**

From Python import the phonemize function using `from phonemizer import phonemize` instead of `from phonemizer.phonemize import phonemize`. The second import is still available for compatibility.

* **bugfixes**

* Fixed a minor bug in `utils.chunks`.

* Fixed warnings on language switching for espeak backend when using parallel jobs (see issue [50](

* Save file in utf-8 explicitly for Windows compat (see issue [43](

* Fixed build and tests in Dockerfile (see issue [45](



* **new features**

* New option ``--list-languages`` to list the available languages for a given
backend from the command line.

* The ``--sampa`` option of the ``espeak`` backend has been replaced by a new
backend ``espeak-mbrola``.

* The former ``--sampa`` option (introduced in phonemizer-2.0) outputs
phones that are not standard SAMPA but are adapted to the espeak TTS

* On the other hand the ``espeak-mbrola`` backend allows espeak to output
phones in standard SAMPA (adapted to the mbrola TTS front-end). This
backend requires mbrola to be installed, as well as additional mbrola
voices to support needed languages. **This backend does not support word
separation nor punctuation preservation**.

* **bugfixes**

* Fixed issues with punctuation processing on some corner cases, see issues
[39]( and [#40](

* Improvments and updates in the documentation (Readme, ``phonemize --help``
and Python code).

* Fixed a test when using ``espeak>=1.50``.

* Empty lines are correctly ignored when reading text from a file.


* **new features**

* Possibility to preserve the punctuation (ignored and silently removed by
default) in the phonemized output with the new option
``--preserve-punctuation`` from command line (or the equivalent
``preserve-punctuation`` from Python API). With the ``punctuation-marks``
option, one can overload the default marls considered as punctuation.

* It is now possible to specify the path to a custom ``espeak`` or
``festival`` executable (for instance to use a local installation or to test
different versions). Either specify the ``PHONEMIZER_ESPEAK_PATH``
environment variable, the ``--espeak-path`` option from command line or use
the ``EspeakBackend.set_espeak_path`` method from the Python API. Similarly
for festival use ``PHONEMIZER_FESTIVAL_PATH``, ``--festival-path`` or

* The ``--sampa`` option is now available for espeak (was available only for

* When using ``espeak`` with SAMPA output, some SAMPA phones are corrected to
correspond to the normalized SAMPA alphabet (espeak seems not to respect
it). The corrections are language specific. A correction file must be placed
in ``phonemizer/share/espeak``. This have been implemented only for French
by now.

* **bugfixes**

* parses correctly the version of ``espeak-ng`` even for dev versions (e.g.

* fixed an issue with ``espeak`` backend, where multiple phone separators can be
present at the end of a word, see

* added an additional stress symbol ``-`` for ``espeak``.


* **bugfixes**

* ``keep-flags`` was not the default argument for ``language_switch`` in the
class ``EspeakBackend``.

* fixed an issue with punctuation processing in the espeak backend, see

* **improvements**

* log a warning if using ``python2``.



* **incompatible change**

Starting with ``phonemizer-2.0`` only python3 is supported. **Compatibility with python2 is no more ensured nor tested.**

* **bugfixes**

* new ``--language-switch`` option to use with ``espeak`` backend to deals with language switching on phonemized output. In previous version there was a bug in detection of the language switching flags (sometimes removed, sometimes not). Now you can choose to keep the flags, to remove them, or to delete the whole utterance.

* bugfix in a test with `espeak>=1.49.3`.

* bugfix using `NamedTemporaryFile` on windows, see [21](

* bugfix when calling *festival* or *espeak* subprocesses on Windows, see [17](

* bugfix in detecting recent versions of *espeak-ng*, see [18](

* bugfix when using utf8 input on *espeak* backend (python2), see [19](

* **new features and improvements**

* new `--sampa` option to output phonemes in SAMPA alphabet instead of IPA, available for espeak-ng only.

* new ``--with-stress`` option to use with ``espeak`` backend to not remove the stresses on phonemized output. For instance:

$ echo "hello world" | phonemize
həloʊ wɜːld
$ echo "hello world" | phonemize --with-stress
həlˈoʊ wˈɜːld

* improved logging: by default only warnings are displayed, use the new ``--quiet`` option to inhibate all log messages or ``--verbose`` to see all of them. Log messages now display level name (debug/info/warning).

* improved code organization:

* backends are now implemented in the ``backend`` submodule as separated source files.

* improved version string (displays uninstalled backends, moved outside of main for use from Python).

* improved logger implemented in its own module so as a call to phonemizer from CLI or API yields the same log messages.

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