> Added a new capability to phot2lc which allows Users
to perform sigma rejections when fitting a polynomial
to the light curve. This optimizes the fitting procedure
for objects which are expected to exhibit many points
below or above the average flux, for example objects
in eclipsing binaries or flare stars. The -f keyword
is still available for simple polynomial fitting without
sigma rejections where only the polynomial degree needs
to be defined. A new keword, -F, is used to define the
sigma rejections parameters:
- Polymial Degree , e.g. 3
- Rejection Iterations , e.g. 10
- Lower Sigma Threshold , e.g. 2.5
- Upper Sigma Threshold , e.g. 5.0
> Fixed the weldlc header which still indicated two time
time columns were present though now only one is
> Refined treatment of light curves which have not been
barycentric corrected. When corrections are not
performed, the .lc and .phot headers now have "None"
entered for the BJED value. In addition there is a
headder keyword "BaryCorr" with a value of True or
False indicating whether corrections have been
> Related to the above point, the weldlc header looks
different now depending on whether the input light
curve files have all been barycentric corrected or
not. If they have, all of the times referencing the
start of the welded light curve (T0) are in TDB time
scales. If they haven't, the times are instead in the
UTC scale, or some combination of the UTC and TDB scales.
Unless specified using weldlc's new -b (--bypass) option,
however, weldlc will throw an error if not ALL of the
input light curves have been barycentric corrected.
Regardless of whether you use the -b option, though,
weldlc still works the same in the sense that it simply
takes the time columns from each .lc file and concatenates
them together. The only true difference is that the -b
option will reference all times to the earliest MJD value
found rather than the earliest BJED value.