+ Enabled IQ-TREE to select multiple outgroups
+ Added overlapping and intergenic regions to extraction function
+ Added MACSE, an alignment software which preserves reading frame and allows incorporation of sequencing errors or sequences with frameshifts (Ranwez V, Douzery EJP, Cambon C, Chantret N, Delsuc F. 2018. MACSE v2: Toolkit for the alignment of coding sequences accounting for frameshifts and stop codons. Mol Biol Evol. 35: 2582-2584. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msy159.)
+ Added trimAl, a tool for the automated removal of spurious sequences or poorly aligned regions from a multiple sequence alignment (Capella-Gutierrez S, Silla-Martinez JM, Gabaldon T. 2009. trimAl: a tool for automated alignment trimming in large-scale phylogenetic analyses. Bioinformatics. 25: 1972-1973. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btp348.)
+ Added HmmCleaner, a tool for removing low similarity segments from the MSA (Di Franco A, Poujol R, Baurain D, Philippe H. 2019. Evaluating the usefulness of alignment filtering methods to reduce the impact of errors on evolutionary inferences. BMC Evol Biol. 19: 21. doi: 10.1186/s12862-019-1350-2.)
+ Added above three softwars to flowchart function
+ Added a function to incrementally input files
+ Fixed coding problem
+ Fixed some bugs