
Latest version: v0.5.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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🐛 Bug Fix

- Adopt relative imports instead of absolute [29]( ([smoia](

🏠 Internal

- Update contributors [28]( ([smoia](

Authors: 1

- Stefano Moia ([smoia](



:tada: This release contains work from a new contributor! :tada:

Thank you, null[celprov](, for all your work!

🚀 Enhancement

- Implementation of the workflow [11]( ([celprov]( [SRSteinkamp]( [pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot]))

🏠 Internal

- [] pre-commit autoupdate [19]( ([pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot]))

Authors: 3

- [celprov](
- [pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot])
- Simon Steinkamp ([SRSteinkamp](



🚀 Enhancement

- adding basic set of visualizations [5]( ([SRSteinkamp](

Authors: 1

- Simon Steinkamp ([SRSteinkamp](



🐛 Bug Fix

- Fix installation setup [21]( ([smoia](
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/pre-commit-ci-update-config' into int/config [12]( ([smoia](

🏠 Internal

- [] pre-commit autoupdate [15]( ([pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot]))
- Update contributors and configuration [13]( ([pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot]) [smoia](

Authors: 2

- [pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot])
- Stefano Moia ([smoia](



:tada: This release contains work from a new contributor! :tada:

Thank you, null[celprov](, for all your work!

🚀 Enhancement

- Implement power metric and smoothness based metrics [4]( ([smoia]( [celprov](

Authors: 2

- [celprov](
- Stefano Moia ([smoia](



🚀 Enhancement

- Add modality-agnostic and peak-related metrics [3]( ([SRSteinkamp]( [smoia](

Authors: 2

- Simon Steinkamp ([SRSteinkamp](
- Stefano Moia ([smoia](


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