Build System / Dependencies
* **PYPI:** remove setup files, use poetry (ed082fde)
* **HOSTMACHINE:** update hostmachine script to use poetry and an alias (5fc8d14d)
* **BASH:** store bash content without dots for package bundling with poetry (67c859e4)
Continuous Integration
* **GITHUB.WORKFLOW:** release validation, more targetted perm changes (0477def3)
* add conditional logic, and fix wheel build (c904e644)
* use poetry to publish to pypi (9c4d3ea3)
* update workflows for new bash environment (84dd4a9a)
* **POETRY:** don't checkin the poetry lockfile (36d74c7b)
Documentation Changes
* **README:** update documentation to reflect changes (e822f723)
New Features
* **CLI:** ensure container_init script is shellchecked on lint (90451d93)
* **CONFIG:** adjust cli to work with poetry, and this project (8dd38d73)
* **BASH:** external bash customization, and fix prompt (e5b9c60a)
* **ASSETS:** fix build caching in dockerfile, remove requirements files, update cli config (d417127c)
* **PYPROJECT.TOML:** centralize configuration in accordance with pep 518 (86986478)
Bug Fixes
* **SCRIPTS.HOSTMACHINE:** use override configuration in the hostmachine shell (601e292a)
* **SCRIPTS.EXTRAS:** rename the hostmachine script to extras (e45f1244)
* **BASH:** remove unnecessary bash script (d7dc358f)
Code Style Changes
* **SHELLCHECK:** don't shellcheck sourced files, instead ensure all assets are tested (49964622)
* **BASH:** lint bash scripts, ensure path is set on bash login (890b69fa)
* **YAPF:** add yapf configuration files, and lint the sphinx config file (90a7f1c9)
* **ISORT:** use 4 space indent on import clusters (edf09d8e)
* **YAMLLINT:** lint root config files (0ddb0998)
Release Checklist
- [x] Has the wheel been tested inside PIB ?
- [x] Does the host machine install function as expected ?
- [x] Does the bash environment work correctly ?
- [x] Does the documentation look correct ?