- Stop analyzing files that have been removed. (3352, Gary van der Merwe)
- Automatically disable CD lookup if no CD device is specified.
(Will Holcomb)
- Don't abort directory reading on invalid filename. (2829, amckinle)
- Add an option to select multiple directories from the 'Add Directory'
window. (3541, Will Holcomb)
- Avoid scanning files that had been removed from the tagger.
(3352, Gary van der Merwe)
- Folksonomy tags/genre support. (Lukáš Lalinský)
- Added menu items (with keyboard shortcuts) for CD lookup / Scan /
Lookup / Cluster. (Lukáš Lalinský)
- Add taggerscript function `$performer()`. (Lukáš Lalinský)
- Lower the default PUID lookup threshold to 10%. (Lukáš Lalinský)
- Compare tracknumber and totaltracks as numbers, not strings.
(Lukáš Lalinský)
- Correctly escape special Lucene characters for searches/lookups.
(3448, Lukáš Lalinský)
- Use MusicIP Mixer "archived analysis" to speed up PUID lookups.
(Lukáš Lalinský)
- Add language and script to variables. (3635, Nikki)
- Option to initiate searches with advanced query syntax on by default.
(3526, Lukáš Lalinský)
- "Save Tags" item in options menu. (3519, Lukáš Lalinský)
- Create empty "plugins" directory by default on installation.
(3529, Lukáš Lalinský)
- Added default release country option. (3452, Philipp Wolfer)
- Added release format type to release selection. (3074, Philipp Wolfer)
- Convert Vorbis tag "tracktotal" to "totaltracks" on load. (Philipp Wolfer)
- Save 'arranger' to ID3 tags. (Lukáš Lalinský)
- Store cover art in Ogg and FLAC files. (3647, Hendrik van Antwerpen)
- Album title not updated when related 'Unkown files' are modified.
(3682, Hendrik van Antwerpen)
- Match selected release event to existing files.
(3687, Hendrik van Antwerpen)
- Allow multiple files to be linked to a single track.
(3729, Gary van der Merwe)
- Don't use mmap to resize files on Windows. (Lukáš Lalinský)