
Latest version: v0.25.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Added `helpers.lifespan` function for simple resource management


- Fix async singleton through sync resolving


- `inject` now can be placed on bottom with `contxtlib.asyncontextmanager`
- Fix scopes closing when injecting in generator functions
- Fix scopes closing in dependencies


- Removed dead code branches
- Refactor injection logic
- Fix problems with generators
- Register dependencies in `inject`, not in `Provide`
- Get rid of `in_use` parameter in `Provider`


- Backward incompatible changes
- Renamed `init_resources` and `shutdown_resources` to `init_dependencies` and `shutdown_dependencies`
- Removed `resource` decorator (use `dependency` decorator with `SingletonScope` instead)
- Expose scopes to public API


- Experimental release (all changes are under the hood, there is no public API yet)
- Add `dependency` decorator, now you can specify scope_class, even user-defined
- Add `ParentCallScope` - dependency result cached for lifetime of parent function call

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