
Latest version: v0.10.6

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* Extend split_mappings format in `concatenate_dataset_dicts()` (161) RainbowRivey

:beetle: Fixes

* `sciarg`: fix partitioning (159) ArneBinder
* upgrade GitHub actions (160) ArneBinder

:construction_worker: Continuous Integration

* upgrade GitHub actions (160) ArneBinder


:rocket: Features

* Implement `concatenate_dataset_dicts` (153) RainbowRivey
* add parameter `set_batch_size_to_split_size` to `DatasetDict.map` (155) ArneBinder
* `DatasetDict.to_json()` can append to already serialized data (156) ArneBinder


* fix 149 drugprot polishment (150) kai-car

:tada: New Dataset

* Add CoMAGC dataset (141) kai-car

:rocket: Features

* add concatenate datasets method (148) kai-car
* implement `Dataset.from_documents` (136) ArneBinder


* Add a test split loader for Drugprot (142) RainbowRivey
* Set specific pytorch version for major platforms (linux, win32, darwin) (132) kai-car

:tada: New Dataset

* Add Tbga dataset (140) kai-car
* Add Chemprot dataset (138) kai-car
* Add Biorel dataset (134) kai-car

:rocket: Features

* add brat note (143) Bhuvanesh-Verma

:beetle: Fixes

* poetry dependencies for torch in macOS with M-series (144) Bhuvanesh-Verma
* biorel: remove warning when entity name is not the same as the span text (139) ArneBinder


:beetle: Fixes

* set max numpy version to <2.0.0 (130) ArneBinder


* update dependencies (128) ArneBinder

:tada: New Dataset

* add `conll2012_ontonotesv5` dataset (52) ArneBinder

:beetle: Fixes

* fix `aae2` when passing `conversion_method` to `load_dataset` (127) ArneBinder

:construction_worker: Continuous Integration

* increase timeout for test_dataset CI job (126) ArneBinder
* fix datset test CI when no dataset was modified (125) ArneBinder
* test workflow per dataset (122) ArneBinder

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