- IR LED now turns off between OD readings. This allows other LEDs to trigger and take readings.
- Removed leader jobs `time_series_aggregating` and `log_aggregating`
- `logs` table in database has more metadata
- New Kalman filter algorithm that includes an acceleration term
- New database table, `kalman_filter_outputs`, stores the output of the internal Kalman Filter.
- workers report back to leader additional system information including available memory and CPU usage.
- Added new temperature control and temperature automations for this app and to the UI.
- Added undervoltage alerts to logging
- Added initial version of a plugin system
- `pio run-always` for jobs not tied to an experiment (monitor, watchdog, etc.)
- faster database backup sync between Pioreactors
- Ability to measure your blank vials is available using the `pio run od_blank`, and in the UI under "Calibrate"
- Smarter algorithm for displaying time series in the UI
- Log table only shows the past 24 hours of events.