
Latest version: v1.1.2

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Please see the [release notes on GitHub](https://github.com/jgonggrijp/pip-review/releases/tag/0.5.1) for details about this release. The [GitHub release list](https://github.com/jgonggrijp/pip-review/releases) will be the single source of truth about releases from now on. This is the final version of this file; it will be removed in a future release.



- Should work under Windows from now on
- Now also invokable as `python -m pip_review`
- Should be compatible with older version of pip
- Should be compatible with systems that don't include pip
- Lists Python 3 as supported on the Python Package Index



- Show and install only release updates by default (Rick Vause)
- Enable pre-release versions using the --pre flag (Rick Vause)



- Redistribute pip-review as a standalone package (Julian Gonggrijp)



- Fix bug where non-PyPI packages inside .pipignore broke things when
running pip-review



- Bugfixes related to non-existing requirements files
- Add unofficial Python3 compatibility

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