16 Apr 2020
Backwards Incompatible Changes:
- `pip-tools` now requires `pip>=20.0` (previously `8.1.x` - `20.0.x`). Windows users,
make sure to use `python -m pip install pip-tools` to avoid issues with `pip`
self-update from now on ([1055](https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools/pull/1055)).
Thanks atugushev
- `--build-isolation` option now set on by default for `pip-compile`
([1060](https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools/pull/1060)). Thanks hramezani
- Exclude requirements with non-matching markers from `pip-sync`
([927](https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools/pull/927)). Thanks AndydeCleyre
- Add `pre-commit` hook for `pip-compile`
([976](https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools/pull/976)). Thanks atugushev
- `pip-compile` and `pip-sync` now pass anything provided to the new `--pip-args` option
on to `pip` ([1080](https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools/pull/1080)). Thanks
- `pip-compile` output headers are now more accurate when `--` is used to escape
filenames ([1080](https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools/pull/1080)). Thanks
- Add `pip>=20.1` support ([1088](https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools/pull/1088)).
Thanks atugushev
Bug Fixes:
- Fix a bug where editables that are both direct requirements and constraints wouldn't
appear in `pip-compile` output
([1093](https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools/pull/1093)). Thanks richafrank
- `pip-compile` now sorts format controls (`--no-binary/--only-binary`) to ensure
consistent results ([1098](https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools/pull/1098)). Thanks
Improved Documentation:
- Add cross-environment usage documentation to `README`
([651](https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools/pull/651)). Thanks vphilippon
- Add versions compatibility table to `README`
([1106](https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools/pull/1106)). Thanks atugushev