
Latest version: v0.0.41

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- Added a new `FunctionFilter`. This filter will let you filter frames based on
a given function, except system messages which should never be filtered.

- Added `FrameProcessor.can_generate_metrics()` method to indicate if a
processor can generate metrics. In the future this might get an extra argument
to ask for a specific type of metric.

- Added `BasePipeline`. All pipeline classes should be based on this class. All
subclasses should implement a `processors_with_metrics()` method that returns
a list of all `FrameProcessor`s in the pipeline that can generate metrics.

- Added `enable_metrics` to `PipelineParams`.

- Added `MetricsFrame`. The `MetricsFrame` will report different metrics in the
system. Right now, it can report TTFB (Time To First Byte) values for
different services, that is the time spent between the arrival of a `Frame` to
the processor/service until the first `DataFrame` is pushed downstream. If
metrics are enabled an intial `MetricsFrame` with all the services in the
pipeline will be sent.

- Added TTFB metrics and debug logging for TTS services.


- Moved `ParallelTask` to `pipecat.pipeline.parallel_task`.


- Fixed PlayHT TTS service to work properly async.



- Fixed an issue with `SileroVADAnalyzer` that would cause memory to keep
growing indefinitely.



- Added `DailyTransport.participants()` and `DailyTransport.participant_counts()`.



- Added `OpenAITTSService`.

- Allow passing `output_format` and `model_id` to `CartesiaTTSService` to change
audio sample format and the model to use.

- Added `DailyRESTHelper` which helps you create Daily rooms and tokens in an
easy way.

- `PipelineTask` now has a `has_finished()` method to indicate if the task has
completed. If a task is never ran `has_finished()` will return False.

- `PipelineRunner` now supports SIGTERM. If received, the runner will be


- Fixed an issue where `BaseInputTransport` and `BaseOutputTransport` where
stopping push tasks before pushing `EndFrame` frames could cause the bots to
get stuck.

- Fixed an error closing local audio transports.

- Fixed an issue with Deepgram TTS that was introduced in the previous release.

- Fixed `AnthropicLLMService` interruptions. If an interruption occurred, a
`user` message could be appended after the previous `user` message. Anthropic
does not allow that because it requires alternate `user` and `assistant`


- The `BaseInputTransport` does not pull audio frames from sub-classes any
more. Instead, sub-classes now push audio frames into a queue in the base
class. Also, `DailyInputTransport` now pushes audio frames every 20ms instead
of 10ms.

- Remove redundant camera input thread from `DailyInputTransport`. This should
improve performance a little bit when processing participant videos.

- Load Cartesia voice on startup.



- Added WebsocketServerTransport. This will create a websocket server and will
read messages coming from a client. The messages are serialized/deserialized
with protobufs. See `examples/websocket-server` for a detailed example.

- Added function calling (LLMService.register_function()). This will allow the
LLM to call functions you have registered when needed. For example, if you
register a function to get the weather in Los Angeles and ask the LLM about
the weather in Los Angeles, the LLM will call your function.
See https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/function-calling

- Added new `LangchainProcessor`.

- Added Cartesia TTS support (https://cartesia.ai/)


- Fixed SileroVAD frame processor.

- Fixed an issue where `camera_out_enabled` would cause the highg CPU usage if
no image was provided.


- Removed unnecessary audio input tasks.



- Exposed `on_dialin_ready` for Daily transport SIP endpoint handling. This
notifies when the Daily room SIP endpoints are ready. This allows integrating
with third-party services like Twilio.

- Exposed Daily transport `on_app_message` event.

- Added Daily transport `on_call_state_updated` event.

- Added Daily transport `start_recording()`, `stop_recording` and


- Added `PipelineParams`. This replaces the `allow_interruptions` argument in
`PipelineTask` and will allow future parameters in the future.

- Fixed Deepgram Aura TTS base_url and added ErrorFrame reporting.

- GoogleLLMService `api_key` argument is now mandatory.


- Daily tranport `dialin-ready` doesn't not block anymore and it now handles

- Fixed AzureLLMService.

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