Major update with a large number of additions, improvements, and fixes.
Large additions:
- Created an in-depth documentation website hosted with GitHub
pages that provides tutorials for all the different functionalities of
pirecorder with a nice and clear webdesign, from setting up the raspberry
pi, and installing pirecorder, to configation, scheduling recordings, and
converting media. See
- Added new camconfig module to interactively set all the recording
parameters, including rotation, shutterspeed, whitebalance, iso, contrast,
saturation, and sharpness via a dynamically updated video stream. Changes
can be automatically linked to a PiRecorder configuration file.
- Integrated automatic exposure and white balance modes both for each new
recording and within each (video) recording as well as a function to get
the optimal shutterspeed and white balance parameters and store them in
the configuration file to be used later as static parameters.
* Fully updated and extended the jupyter notebook example file with more
examples and more detailed documentation
* Stream module now draws on video rather than static frame.
* Integrated option to refresh zoomed-in image for the stream module.
* Integrated possibility to add parameters to stream function on the
command line.
* Integrated the possibility to schedule jobs with different configuration
* Added a new cameratype parameter that makes it easier to get the maximum
resolution depending on if the v1, v2, or the new hq camera is used.
* Added three new Jupyter Notebooks
* Removed the auto and manual set_gains function as it is now improved and
integrated in the auto_config function and camconfig module
* Many other smaller changes and fixes, including integrating the calibrate
and stream modules, updated the logo, made some fixes to the stream,
videoin, and schedule modules, and improved possibilities for user
interrupt during media converting.
* Improved the readme and documentation throughout