* `pisces.util.get_tables`, `pisces.util.make_tables`, and
`pisces.util.get_or_create_tables` are deprecated and will raise a warning.
* `pisces.request.get_waveforms` now has a `tol` keyword that will raise an
exception if any returned waveform is not within `tol` seconds from the
requested starttime/endtime.
* Added `--bbfk` flag to `pisces sac2db`, which uses the broadband f-k (BBFK)
convention of reading x, y array offset distances in the USER 7, 8 SAC
header variables and storing them Site.dnorth and Site.deast.
* Windows support! Thanks to mitchburnett! e1 and convert C libraries now
build (using MSVC).
* Automated testing on Mac OSX, Linux, and Windows 7, for Python 2.7 and 3.4,
thanks to Travis CI and Appveyor.
* Require ObsPy > 1.0
Bug fixes
* Fixed sac2db wfdisc.foff (issue 12) and wfdisc.dir (issue 11) handling.