
Latest version: v0.27.2

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Changes relative to 0.11.0 include:

* Bug-fix for distance_transform when using rmax



Changes relative to 0.10.3 include:

* Bug-fix for enmap.project that led to crashes
* enplot improvements
* Improvements to fft and ifft overhead
* alm filtering API improvements
* Changes to CMB dipole parameter
* Allow lmax!=mmax in curvedsky routines
* Python 3.9 builds and Github actions instead of Travis



Changes relative to 0.10.2 include:

* Bug fix for automatic IAU -> COSMO, recognizes POLCCONV instead of POLCONV.



Changes relative to 0.9.6 include:

* Automatically converts maps recognized to be in IAU polarization convention
(through the FITS header) to COSMO convention by flipping the sign of U
* Fixes a centering issue in reproject.thumbnails
* Optimizes posmap for separable projections and pixsizemap for cylindrical
projections making these functions orders of magnitude faster for CAR (and
other projections)
* A test script test-pixell is distributed with the package



Changes relative to 0.6.0 include:

* Ability to read compressed FITS images
* Fixed a bug to make aberration and modulation accurate to all orders
* Expanded alm2cl to handle full cross-spectra and broadcasting



Changes relative to 0.5.2 include:

* Improvements in accuracy for map extent, area and Fourier wavenumbers
* Spherical harmonic treatment consistent with healpy
* Additional helper functions, e.g enmap.insert
* Helper arguments, e.g. physical normalization for enmap.fft
* Bug fixes e.g. in rand_alm
* Improved installation procedure and documentation

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