* Split multiinfo requests into batches of 150, preventing crashes when the request URL becomes too large (Issue 53)
* use asp instead of abs/rsync * remove some references to ABS * **deprecated** ``pkgbuilder.build.rsync`` — use ``pkgbuilder.build.asp_export`` instead.
* Report missing packages in -F properly (via Issue 52)
* Fix 50 -- prevent infinite loop when building with -w, --buildonly (crashes early and explains why)
* Add an option to force chdir to a place before building (Issue 45) * Support ``--ignore`` for upgrades (Issue 46) * Use ``shutil.get_terminal_size()`` instead of ``stty size`` (Issue 47) * Fix ABS package builds (Issue 48) * Use new PyPI URL scheme in PKGBUILDer’s PKGBUILD