= commit 8539e8dc2d036a4e0a866a3fb9e55889503254d5
committed Feb 10, 2016, 10:04 PM GMT+1
The first public release of Planetmint, including:
- Initial Planetmint Server code, including many tests and some code for benchmarking.
- Initial documentation (in `planetmint/docs`).
- Initial `README.md`, `ROADMAP.md`, `CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md`, and `CONTRIBUTING.md`.
- Packaging for PyPI, including `setup.py` and `setup.cfg`.
- Initial `Dockerfile` and `docker compose.yml` (for deployment using Docker and Docker Compose).
- Initial `.gitignore` (list of things for git to ignore).
- Initial `.travis.yml` (used by Travis CI).