* Bug fix with `--force` for `plassembler download`, which will only remove the output directory if `--force` is specified (49).
* Bug fixes and added tests for `--depth_filter` which would crash in some scenarios.
* Adds `--depth_filter`. This will filter out all contigs that have long- (and short-read for `plassembler run`) read copy numbers that are less than the specified depth filter. Defaults to 0.25x. * Adds `--unicycler_options` and `--spades_options` which allows passing extra Unicycler options (46)
* Fixes 44, where `--use_raven` was not working (Flye would be used instead). Thanks [wanyuac](https://github.com/wanyuac).
* **If you upgrade to v1.5.0, you will need to update the database using `plassembler download`** * Plassembler v1.5.0 incorporates a new database thanks to the recent PLSDB release [2023_11_03_v2](https://ccb-microbe.cs.uni-saarland.de/plsdb/). Thanks [biobrad](https://github.com/biobrad) for the heads up.
* Fixes bug with `plassembler run`, which would exit ungracefully if the isolate had more than 1 chromosome, but no plasmids were recovered by Unicycler (e.g. ATCC [17802](https://www.atcc.org/products/17802)).