This release primarily focuses on ease of use: mainly, it is a lot easier
to do things with fewer lines of code. Imports have been shortened, plotting
tools have been added, and scripts now produce more informative output.
- Logical imports: the following commonly-used data structures can now be
directly imported from the parent package ``plastid``, instead of
- ``GenomicSegment``, ``SegmentChain``, and ``Transcript``
- All GenomeHashes and GenomeArrays
- All file readers
- ``VariableFivePrimeMapFactory`` can now be created from static method
``from_file()``, so no need to manually parse text files or create
- ``BAMGenomeArray`` can now be initialized with a list of paths to BAM
files, in addition or instead of a list of ``pysam.AlignmentFiles``
- **Plotting improvements**
- ``plastid.plotting`` package, which includes tools for making MA plots,
scatter plots with marginal histograms, metagene profiles, et c
- more informative plots made in ``metagene``, ``psite``,
``phase_by_size``, and ``cs`` scripts
- support for matplotlib stylesheets, colormaps, et c in all command-line
- ``add_three_for_stop_codon()`` reimplemented in Cython, resulting in 2-fold
speedup. Moved from ``plastid.readers.common`` to
``plastid.genomics.roitools`` (though previous import path still works)
- Fixed IndexError in ``psite`` that arose when running with the latest
release of numpy, when generating a read profile over an empty array
- Legends/text no longer get cut off in plots
- Removed deprecated functions ``BED_to_Transcripts()`` and
``BED_to_SegmentChains``, for which ``BED_Reader`` serves as a drop-in