
Latest version: v0.6.1

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Changes here are mostly under the hood, involving improvements in usability,
speed, stability, compatibility, and error reporting. We also fixed up tools
for developers and added entrypoints for custom mapping rules.


- Users can now control verbosity/frequency of warnings via '-v' or '-q'
options! By default there should no long screens of DataWarnings
when processing Ensembl (or other) GTFs.

- ``--aggregate`` option added to ``psite`` script to improve sensitivity
for low-count data.

- Created entrypoints for allowing users to use custom mapping rules
in the command line scripts:

- ``plastid.mapping_rules`` for specifying new mapping functions
- ``plastid.mapping_options`` for specifying any other command-line
arguments they consume

Detailed instructions for use in the *developer info* section
of `<>`_.

- Argument parsing classes that replace methods deprecated below:

- :class:`~plastid.util.scriptlib.argparsers.AlignmentParser`
- :class:`~plastid.util.scriptlib.argparsers.AnnotationParser`
- :class:`~plastid.util.scriptlib.argparsers.MaskParser`
- :class:`~plastid.util.scriptlib.argparsers.SequenceParser`
- :class:`~plastid.util.scriptlib.argparsers.PlottingParser`


- updated plotting tools to fetch color cycles from matplotlib versions >= 1.5
as well as >= 1.3. This corrected a plotting bug in `cs`.

- :meth:`AnnotationParser.get_genome_hash_from_args` now internally uses
GFF3_Reader and GTF2_Reader instead of GFF3_TranscriptAssembler and
GTF2_TranscriptAssembler, allowing mask files in GTF2/GFF3 foramts
to be type-agnostic in command-line scripts

- contig names no longer lost when using 2bit files in `crossmap`

- updates to :mod:`~plastid.bin.psite`

- output header in metagene profiles. Sorry about that

- fix compatibility problem with new versions of matplotlib

- now catches a ``ValueError`` that used to be an ``IndexError``
in earlier versions of :mod:`numpy`.

- Fixed loss-of-ID bug in :meth:`Transcript.get_cds`


- :func:`` function decorator
now optionally takes parameters indicating the future version of plastid
in which deprecated features will be removed, and what replacement to use


- Argument parsing methods:

- ``get_alignment_file_parser()`` & ``get_genome_array_from_args()``.
Use :class:`~plastid.util.scriptlib.argparsers.AlignmentParser` instead.
- ``get_annotation_file_parser()`` & ``get_transcripts_from_args()``,
``get_segmentchain_file_parser()`` & ``get_segmentchains_from_args()``
Use :class:`~plastid.util.scriptlib.argparsers.AnnotationParser` instead.
- ``get_mask_file_parser()`` & ``get_genome_hash_from_mask_args()``.
Use :class:`~plastid.util.scriptlib.argparsers.MaskParser` instead.
- ``get_sequence_file_parser()`` & ``get_seqdict_from_args()``.
Use :class:`~plastid.util.scriptlib.argparsers.SequenceParser` instead
- ``get_plotting_parser()``, ``get_figure-from_args()``, & ``get_colors_from_args``.
Use :class:`~plastid.util.scriptlib.argparsers.PlottingParser` instead



Although the list of changes is short, this release includes dramatic reductions
in memory usage and speed improvements, as well as a few bug fixes. We recommend
everybody upgrade


- Fast ``merge_segments()`` function in ``roitools`` module.


- 10-100 fold reduction in memory consumed by ``SegmentChain`` objects,
``GTF2_TranscriptAssembler`` and ``GFF3_TranscriptAssembler``. All
position & mask hashes now lazily evaluated
- 50-fold fold Speed boosts in ``SegmentChain.overlaps()``,
``SegmentChain.covers()`` and other methods for comparing ``SegmentChain``
and ``Transcript`` objects
- ``GenomicSegment`` is now hashable, e.g. can be used in sets or dict keys


- Track naming bug in ``make_wiggle``
- init bug in ``GenomeHash``




- Fixed bug in ``crossmap`` script when run on 2bit files



No change in codebase vs 0.4.0. Updated required matplotlib version to 1.4.0.
Made some changes in sphinx doc config for, which is still
at matplotlib 1.3.0.



This release primarily focuses on ease of use: mainly, it is a lot easier
to do things with fewer lines of code. Imports have been shortened, plotting
tools have been added, and scripts now produce more informative output.


- Logical imports: the following commonly-used data structures can now be
directly imported from the parent package ``plastid``, instead of

- ``GenomicSegment``, ``SegmentChain``, and ``Transcript``
- All GenomeHashes and GenomeArrays
- All file readers

- ``VariableFivePrimeMapFactory`` can now be created from static method
``from_file()``, so no need to manually parse text files or create

- ``BAMGenomeArray`` can now be initialized with a list of paths to BAM
files, in addition or instead of a list of ``pysam.AlignmentFiles``

- **Plotting improvements**

- ``plastid.plotting`` package, which includes tools for making MA plots,
scatter plots with marginal histograms, metagene profiles, et c

- more informative plots made in ``metagene``, ``psite``,
``phase_by_size``, and ``cs`` scripts

- support for matplotlib stylesheets, colormaps, et c in all command-line

- ``add_three_for_stop_codon()`` reimplemented in Cython, resulting in 2-fold
speedup. Moved from ``plastid.readers.common`` to
``plastid.genomics.roitools`` (though previous import path still works)


- Fixed IndexError in ``psite`` that arose when running with the latest
release of numpy, when generating a read profile over an empty array

- Legends/text no longer get cut off in plots


- Removed deprecated functions ``BED_to_Transcripts()`` and
``BED_to_SegmentChains``, for which ``BED_Reader`` serves as a drop-in




- Important docstring updates: removed outdated warnings and descriptions

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